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Artificial LURE vs. REAL SHAD Swimbait!?!? (Winter Swimbait Fishing)

It’s swimbait time – big winter and spring bass are chewing and giant artificial lures like glide baits and jointed swimbaits are awesome tools for catching giant bass. I have been collecting some fishing lures – some of them rare and some of them available at tackle shops but I want to be ready to learn how to fish more glide baits and large swimbaits for bass this winter. I even got a crazy ultra realistic line thru glide bait that was literally designed from a real shad!!! I love catching big fish and there is no doubt swimbait fishing is a great technique for targeting trophy bass and it’s also an insanely cool way to fish for bass!

Thanks to Kevin the Baitman Baxter – throw him a sub

The Shizzard should be available soon more info @doubledigitbass on Instagram

Huge thanks to Rod and make sure to give him a follow @rwhallman His artistry on the real shad line thru glide bait was amazing!!!

MegaBass Vatalion Swimbait

Bull Shad Swimbaits

Baby Bull Shad

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  1. Thanks Mikey. I enjoyed making it. I continue to improve based on feedback and personal experience. I just started making replaceable silicone dorsal and thread fins, tweaked the resin mix and weighting for better balance at a fast retrieve and am tinkering with a back hook while still being line thru. Great vid as always and best of luck bro. Very kind words.

  2. 🤯 Those lures were really cool! The Shizzard honestly is so different, that it just resembles nature. Nothing cookie cutter about it. Way to explain them man!
    I'm in the early stages, and have done some testing, but I got a few baits I'd like to show you in the future. Mostly larger profile stuff, and clearly home made. But I'm very excited about the actions of two of them! Just need the fish to show their interest first.

  3. Dude I really like that.. im gonna paint me up some.. born and raised fishing Guntersville. Above the dam and below.. I have caught some hawgs on live baits. Love it. .thanks for sharing your knowledge

  4. Dude, you remind me of me looking at Megabass glidebaits. I can get absorbed in looking at Vatalions and I-slides, I-wings and so on. The details of them are amazing! I have thought about putting 6 I-slides in a shadow-box and hanging it on the wall for artwork! Anyhow, I had to chuckle, thinking Mikey is just like me with these things. I have a box of swimbaits at my kitchen table as we speak, from lookin at them…lol.

  5. I absolutely kill it in South Jersey with big ass baits nobody here believe’s it until I pull a 6.10 or a 7+ pound beast in I’ve been killing it on Yohan Coustom lures gill glide n Phoney frog USA shad glides

  6. The gateway swimbait drug lol mikey is the funniest lol the shizzard is rare as hell been trying to get one guy who has one wants a crazy amount of money your very lucky to have that and make sure you take a lure knocker when your swimbait fishing it really works good especially the ones with the chains to catch the hooks just so u dont loose it bro

  7. I'm a little confused about the line-thru… with a soft line-thru bait, you tie to the treble on the bottom. With this bait, the treble is fixed on a hook hanger, so what do you tie to?

  8. i’m legit obsessed with swimbait fishing. but what sucks, is i’m stuck on the bank and limited to where I can go. it’s so expensive but you can catch absolute giants on them.

    I need to get some new swimbaits here shortly. but still… they’re all so god damn expensive.

  9. Hey Mikey when are you going to take your brother fishing again, and catch back to back toads ???? Been watching some of your old vids , like when you were fishing out of a john boat caught a 10 lb and all most fell out of the boat setting the hook.

  10. I can't believe you got negative feedback cause I watch your channel because I've yet to see a video I didn't truly believe was well thought out and enormously fun. This video was totally awesome, I too love swimbaits and this one really got me juiced to fish some swimmers immediately. Thanks my friend, your terrific!!!!!

  11. And again….fishermen falling for the hype, hook, line, and sinker! I catch fish all the time on my BBZ's, S-Waver, Osprey, Trash Fish. I just bought a Bull Shad because of the hype. Spend more on it then ALL the others cost. I haven't been bit, I haven't been followed or tracked, NOTHING! 🙄 I fell for it and got f'd. I'll keep smokin' em on my S-waver, my BBZ, etc. The key? Go fish them, fish them in the right place, the right way, and put your time in.

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