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Avoid This Common Swimbait Fishing Mistake

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Equipment Mentioned in this Video:

Megabass Magdraft Swimbaits 6” in MB Gizzard and Biwako Shad

Megabass Magdraft Freestyle Swimbaits

Picasso Smart Mouth Plus Jig Head 3X Mustad – 1oz

Invisible Edge by Black Rhomb
License purchased from Premium Beat by shutterstock
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  1. I really enjoy the challenges! Informative in a competitive situation brings a different aspect to your videos that I’m not seeing from other tubers. I’d like to see you and Randy compete with TacticalBassin guys in a 5 fish challenge.

  2. Why anyone would give a thumbs down on a quality video like this, that takes hours to produce, that is provided for FREE to watch, is beyond me. You must just like being a jerk.

  3. Bass fishing is the best my favourite is striped bass but bass in general are just a crazy fish too catch the way they strike is super exciting I do my own YouTube as well except I am only 13 my goal is too engage our next generation into fishing 🎣 but your videos are better then mine your editing is just next level awesome 😊

  4. Hello guys, im from Europe and i want your help. Im buying my first baitcaster and i want to buy Abu Garcia Blackmax combo, we dont have many options in my country because almost nobody is using baitcasters. You all know the reel, but rod is 2.0m (6.56ft) and casting weight is 15-45grams ( i dont really know cw in Ounces but google says 0.529-1.58 ). When im fishing im using worms up to 6 inches in length, swimbaits up to 4-5inches and, wobblers up to 4 inches.. When fishing with soft plastics im never ever using weight cause all the fishes in 2 lakes where i go are staying shallow and they bite in first 3 feet of water and max. depth is 7.5-8ft.. I want you guys to tell me if its a right combo for me to start or its better that i dont buy it. Sorry for my english, i hope you understand everything. Thank you!

  5. If u want to catch a big bass then what u have to do is catch a bream about as big as your hand and use it for bait. Hook the bream at the back of the top fins on the bream and fish for bass where the water starts dropping off. Now if the bass are on bed then troll your fishing pond and find the bass on the bed and drop the bream in the middle of the bed. You may have to throw the bream in and out the bed a few times and remember when he first bites dont snatch it just let him run to the deep and then set the hook. Ive caught quiet a few like that all big my biggest is 14 lbs. Good luck

  6. I would honestly love to see a challenge between the two of you using nothing but spincast reels and Bass Stoppers. LOL! Seriously though, I'd watch. Friend of mine does just that on his lake and he slams them.

  7. Just not a fun way to fish for the average fisherman. Under a handful of possible fish that are mostly going to be 2 pounds and up, as opposed to maybe a dozen or more in the 1-3 pound range with smaller baits as well as the occasional larger fish. Even the pro's don't like it if they were honest, but have had to adapt to it when numbers of fish allowed have been reduced.

  8. Jonny, It was great meeting you and your wife yesterday at the Classic. I meant to ask you the brand of the 1 oz jig head used with the Magdraft 6" lure. The one listed in the link is not an underspin. Again, thanks for visiting with me yesterday. Looking forward to the upcoming videos.

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