On this weeks episode of Capturefish, Matty’s on Pyramid Lake w/ his buddy Nick Arant! The two are in search for some northern strain largemouth bass! Nick hooks his first pyramid fish then right as they are getting kicked off the lake, something special happens on the last cast… TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!
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Who came from Tictok?
Nice man
I love your vids! Such legit content
Such a soft hook set on that jig fish 😂
Here from cast and crank!
Way to go Matty saw this on TikTok and had to see how it ended love your channel
Why arnt you allowed to keep it? Sell it? I would really love an explanation. I know nothing.
Awesome. You want your ticket now or later! Love it. So dumb. Why do they care so much?
Is this the lake on the grapevine
TikTok gang!!!
What a fucken dick! Right on bro! Solid fish and nice to meet you here over at cachuma.
deffently from tic tok wanted to see how the story ends !!! nice fish man
Why not keep it? Confused?
I was probably there the same day
Just added from the watching the Bass Nation Western Championship. Congrats on the 3rd place finish
Jesus. You caught the fish, ok cool. Take some pics and put it back and leave. You knew your time was up. No need to hold it out the water for 20 mins
Whos here from the tik tok—>
dude that shad was ridiculous! good stuff man!
Epic production bro! 🙌🏽💪🏽🤘🏽
Too good bro! Congrats to you and your buddy!swimbait bites at the last moments are the best.
Drone footage is dope and that lake holds some monsters…..
keep it up matty 🤝
Came from your tiktok!
you need more subscribers keep it up 👍
well at least I can watch you catch them at the lakes I go to… cause I'm sure as hell not lol. last like 4 times I've gone to Castaic zero bites. only been to pyramid once and I didn't get a bite there either. startin' to really think it's just me. nice fish though man!
Ggggggg giant bass!
LOVE It matty keep up the great content!
Very cool Sherrif! That thing was a monster man. What great timing.
Dope!!!! That's pretty epic as sheriff is there
Killer dude! At the buzzer!!!! Haha.
I like the new drone footage 😉😉 and the fish too of course 🤙🤙
Sick !!🤙🏽
Thats awesome, last cast in front of the boys 💪🏽
NICE!!! You can see her knock slack in your line….. 👏
Epic last cast with the sheriff watching! Wow.
I’m excited for this one lost a giant today like 5 pounds came right off at my foot but still on that pb grind