I recently got into throwing giant lures and swimbaits for bass and I quickly started realizing the potential of catching big fish with this method. In this video here I demonstrate the potential of catching really big largemouth bass and ended shattering my personal best.
My Instagram:
Gopro Hero 9 Black: https://amzn.to/3t99Q83
Gopro Chesty: https://amzn.to/3qaaYGH
Mini SD card: https://amzn.to/3qB3Hjn
Apple iMac https://amzn.to/3JVHBQb
Rod: Daiwa DX Swimbait https://amzn.to/331O4bC
Reel: Shimano Tranx 300 https://amzn.to/3f2wy9H
Line: Power Pro Braid https://amzn.to/3qVRR1W
Lure: Deps NZ Crawler https://ebay.to/3JSKJMx
Fishing Gear/Equipment I use:
Scale: https://amzn.to/3r8jGEz
Split ring pliers: https://amzn.to/3r8n0iK
Backpack: https://amzn.to/33nsON6
Polarized Sunglasses: https://amzn.to/3FeNGnl
The links in the description are amazon affiliate links. If a product is purchased through the links I have provided I will receive a small commission. If you purchase through my links it will be greatly appreciated thank you for the support !
#trophybass #swimbaitfishing #hinkletrout
Still catching anything there this size? Just went and had good time
Post the pictures!!
Echo park?
Grew up in Echo Park in the 1970s. What a shithole. Moved out for college in 1978 and never looked back. The bums, the graffiti, the crime, just horrendous. Glad to see it looks better than what it was with shopping carts and tires rolled into the water, garbage everywhere, just dirty and disgusting conditions.
Where is this in la?
Echo park got bigguns
That is my kind of determination
We're this at ?
Looks like all you need to remember is to put your tip up and you'll land them better , Wow catch and release much Respect ,Sir
How much to go fishing with you dm me
nice video. question are you able to take the fish with you or is mandatory to release
Where is this pond located?¿
You look like Leon from my favorite movie the "Professional". I'm a big fan of yours brotherman. My PB was 7.3 until one week this February until I smashed it a 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, and 9.14🐟. All of this action was in ❄29-35❄ degree weather. We can do a collaboration video next winter if you want to fly out to TX. Winter fishing is so under-rated!!!👍
Where in the heck was this? It looks like you are in the middle of the city!
Nice catch my guy! I just got my first swimbait set up about a year ago and i'm hooked on swimbaiting, no pun indented. I am trying to upgrade my swimbait arsenal with big baits like a deps 250 and maybe a hinkle trout. Just subbed by the way. Also nice car. lol
👍Nice catch!! I joined ya hit me back if you can!
Great video and awesome channel! Hitting them subscribe and like buttons! Come check out my channel for some bass fishing in South Korea.
Yo where did you get that Hinkle Trout?
I have been trying to find one.
This was great 👍🏼
You're lucky you didn't know that first fish wasn't on camera because if you did then you would have lost a 10 pounder.
Heck of a fish man….congrats
Great catch my dude great catch, love your vids keep them coming!!!
Great Catch 👍
Heck yeah Brutha! 👊🏽
holy fuck. How nerve wrecking. My heart was pounding when you hooked it. Congrats bud
Great fish! Enjoyed the video bro 👊🏼
Awesome video man! Smooth editing too