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J5 Swimbait Colors and Rigging – Hand made soft Swimbait

Josh discusses colors and rigging options for the J5 Swimbait

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  1. Hey, Josh! In my latest YouTube video I was introduced to your pink (not sure what the actual name is) Swim bait and caught two sweet crappies on your swim bait. My friend Matt who gave it to me… caught 3 monster 18” crappies on it! I love fish in my local rivers and streams here in Piqua, Ohio. I have never used a swim bait in these rivers or streams but do like minnows. What would you recommend for small rivers and streams with mostly clear water?

    Also, I just subbed your channel to catch your latest videos. If you ever want field test of your products… I would love to. You can checkout my videos and see some of my fishing videos. Maybe even sub! Have a blessed day! πŸŽ£πŸ‘ŠπŸΌβ˜€οΈ

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