When your bass fishing in the fall and you tie on a Smashtech swimbait you’re never sure how crazy things will get, but this was the craziest swimbait catch I’ve ever witnessed!
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Fish Lyfe App Android version here- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.v1510n.waypoints
Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones- https://www.fishlyfe.net/
YLFG gear- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
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Be sure to enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount on . https://6thsensefishing.com/
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Lew’s Reels- https://www.lews.com/casting
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I mustache you a question. How's that spike it smell right under your nose. lol
HAHAH Subscribed too funny. Please check out my growing channel im also covering bass fishing here in the west coast.
That was a crazy bite and blowup! You make it look so easy!! 😂
LoL 😂awesome video
I can not believe he put spike it on his upper lip 🤣. A bet is a bet though! You droppin some LB’s Billy? Lookin good man 👍
Good stuff right there now……hahaha
Awesome trip and great footage!!!
I've been in the boat with you before, I wouldn't have made that bet 😆. He's got a bigger set than me apparently
That swimbait catch was crazy. Why is the power of at Brady Branch
That’s wild that bass just crushed the swim bait as soon as you put it in the water!
We need more prank videos.
That’s the way to get em on the Swimbait👊🏻 nice challenge got to try that with the buds.
Poor Mike fell down trying to get out of the way of your fish catch 😂
And he got a nasty upper lip lmao ! I would be puking for sure
That was wild man! I need that bait. Is it available yet?