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5 Swimbait Fishing Mistakes even EXPERTS still Make…

Today’s video is the top 5 biggest mistakes I see anglers of all skill levels make when fishing hard glide baits. These mistakes are mental, physical and emotional, and once corrected, will help you catch more fish on swimbaits!


My Favorite Budget Swimbait ► Use “MF10” to SAVE

My Favorite All-Around Swimbait Rod ► 7’9″ XH Use “MF10” to SAVE

⬇ My FAVORITE Big Swimbait Set Up ⬇
Rod ► 7’11” XH Use “MF10” to SAVE
Reel ► Use “MFER20” to SAVE
Line ► Use “MF10” to SAVE

My Sunglasses ► Use “MF15” to SAVE

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  1. Man, watching one of the biggest fish of your life follow your glide all the way back to you and not commit has to be one of the most exciting but disappointing things ever. Sucks but keeps you wanting to throw it out there!

  2. Sooo true about the "ZING POWWW"…IT hits the pocket hard lol R.I.P Pizz.
    Nail on the head about highland resivours,can sling chads and other 7 inch baits and nothing .i can change up to a 9" draw ,king,mother etc and get absolutely destroyed by fish as little as 2 1/2 pounds. Bass species have a large appetite alot of the times and its overlooked

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