・【Crush #26】 Did We Find A New Species Of Largemouth Bass In SoCAL Area!!? GLIDEWAY 176 [Swimbait Republic]
[Previous Episode]
・【Crush #25】-pays off to switch it up- Lake Perris
・Lower Colorado River
・GLIDEWAY 176 [Swimbait Republic]
・Jeff Clough/@socalcrusher [instagram]
・Roberto Martinez Monton/
/@swimbait_republic [instagram]
・Optimum Baits
https://www.optimumbaits.com [HP]
@miroku_bigbaits_in_cali [instagram]
Awesome footage of catches. Too much cussing though. I can’t watch this with the family.
That big dark bass was bad a$$! 😮 So freekin cool!
Best rod, reel, line set up for glide way? Thanks
where do you get the weights that fit perfectly into the bottom?>
Lower otay
Is there a name for that dark of a bass? I have a few of them in my pond That look identical. Never could figure it out why they looked like that.. jet black
Now that's what I call a black bass!!!
I saw that spray paint can in the background haha!
Colorado River up in Laughlin/Bullhead has some biggins too
“It’s so big, It’s so black.” 😂
"GODZILA" bass..awesome
Once, twice three times a fat green lady. Go ahead y’ll, fun catch & joyous reactions to stickin her. I’ll have to check out that bait for the few shad lakes in Utah. It’ll work everywhere though
Melanistic bass are dope kinda rare to catch I seen a baby bass one in my local tidal spot this year was my first time ever seeing a fully black bass was pretty cool to see.