In this video, I fish a few local ponds, in hopes of of finding a MONSTER FISH on a swimbait on a hot day!
After the spawn, bigger fish head deeper to recover and put back on all the weight they lost in the spawn. Therefore, I see postspawn as the best time to throw a big swimbait.
Lure used: Spro BBZ Swimbait fast sink 6 inch
Rod used: KastKing Speed Demon Pro Flippin 7′ 5″
Reel used: KastKing Crixus
Line used: Trilene XT 20 lb
Love your vids. My favorite fisherman on YouTube. Keep them coming.
Jeebus… I'd have never picked such a giant bait for such a piddly puddle…
i love that bas
your like James Pond 007 licence to fish, see what i did there?
Yeah it's always quality bass.
Do you think the live target swimbait would be a good idea to throw
Thats a Nutria rat. invasive species that cause erosion.
Typical Texas pond water color. You never know what's hiding down in there…maybe even an aligator or two.
How do you like the KastKing reels? I love the Speed Demon Pro rod and just ordered a Spirale but haven't pulled the trigger on any of their reels
That's Bob the pet bass.
Stocked ponds huh
Really.. y'all are fishing somebody's pool.
How do you keep that line from tangling up it seems like most of the time I cast mine it tangles in the reel and I have to completely take it apart ?
Why do you not weigh these fish?
Nice fish! Since I can’t go fishing, I appreciate your uploads.
Dear Ty, can fish hear the swimbait metal on metal sounds? Can you make a natural sounding swimbait?
What state u guys fishing
Not to sound like a dick but I'm not sure how excited I could be catching em out of a pool lol
What’s good TY? I see ya! Are you catching these in the middle of the day? Looks warm out. I haven’t gone in the middle of day. Lol just heard you say 95 😂 I’ve been going at night and early morning. Been doing real good! Got a 7.8 the other day and she was skinny!!! Would have been 10 a month ago probably
What's going on big dog! All your fish were nice but Man those first two bass were monsters! Looks like that swimbait rocks! Is that an inner City pond that you're fishing at? But either way great video man keep on getting down!
Excellent video man. Love watching these when I can’t hit the water 👊
Nice fish on the swimbait I'm trying to catch up on videos brother
That deff a stocked pond
I own the bbz blue herring, it kills it early season especially. Last year it got me at least 10 4lbers in Massachusetts I have lost monsters on it. Great bait!
Some Pond Jammers for sure, love some big bait bassin'
At first i said noooo way! But yeah ah!!! Holy fish pond robin!!!
This shit is weak.
Nice fishing buddy 👍👍 👍👍…get a scale nice bass…
I caught that fish in January with the bum eye and ripped tail, it’s my YouTube profile picture lol. I wanted to send you a picture but didn’t know how. Glad she’s still healthy and swimming around. Cool vid
@ty pigpatrol dude I love your videos but you’re drawing so much attention to my honey holes in cypress D:
way to go ty that is why your the one dude a fishing magnet .A big fish slayer..!!
Hey brother I just found this video
you are finding the monsters!!!
Beautiful fatty!
those things destroy fisheries unfortunately no matter their cuteness factor.
I think I enjoy watching Ty fish more than I do actually fishing. When I go fishing I don't catch a darn thing.
hey Ty I think that water rat thing is called a Muskrat
Lol I get u confused with the other pig patrol guy
That first good bass probably got finished spawning its belly didn't look fat like it had eggs so it was probably looking for food
Where's all the vegetation? I never see much in these urban ponds, they're laying in the grass beds in my ponds, past the the inflow channels out where the sediment lays back down
Talk about a cement pond , that's some serious Houston Beverly hillbilly pond you got there