In todays day and age of social media, the process of sharing ones own personal experiences in fishing has become a regular norm for many. With sharing these experiences on social media, there will be those that root for you and cheer you on. As well as others that are skeptical and may judge your credibility. Some of the items in this video, I feel, will help alleviate some of the pressure that may bestow upon you from judgmental eyes.
Items I personally use:
Brecknell ElectroSamson –
Dikes/Pliers –
Net –
Bait Knocker – Contact Frank on Facebook:
WCZ Measuring Boards:
I made a lure retriever with a key ring that clips in around the line. I put 6, 1oz egg sinkers onto the clip, close it and send it down. Prob costs me less than a dollar
Dude you fish some stuff that I'd consider worthy of renting scuba gear and diving for that mofo
Excellent video. Thanks.
I don't care what ppl think. I know what I caught & I always weigh my large fish. IMO Just saying
As always, very helpful and “No Nonsense” or spin! Thanks man!
Would love to see a video showing the use of the bait knocker.
Who gives a fuck what people say? This is the problem with sport fishing.
Picture on a good measuring board is pretty indisputable
And a good camera
This might be a dumb request but can you explain or demonstrate how a bait knocker works? I've never used one before because I fish from the bank
Pliers and dykes. There are still companies in the USA that make them. Also, you can find “vintage” ones for cheap. I only know this because I enjoy finding and refurbishing quality hand tools.
Can't believe how toxic the fishing community can be on social media. I quit posting years ago. People just love to trash talk or want to steal your spots.
Why bother?
Who would believe 42in in length,
14in from gullet to lips,
11in mouth corner to mouth corner.
Even my friend that measured it couldn't believe it.
I've caught a few DD'S, but only this one could be described as a bucket mouth.
Down side, catching one is a spoiler.
Now I'm not totally satisfied by a DD unless it's a bucket mouth.
My NYR is to catch a 5+ pounder! Muddy waters in north texas. If I fish lake Fork then 8+! Pursuit of Giants!
Just found your channel researching 300 series reels. I like the channel man!
Hey man I am just starting to get into big swim bait fishing and I was wondering if I should go for a power handle or a regular handle
I hardly hear anyone one YouTube talk about bait knockers and like you said that thing has hands down paid for itself more times over than any other piece of equipment on my boat.
Great video
Oh btw love the vids
Aye yi yi who cares about the ig haters man… you’ll live better once you don’t give a f bout them shit talkers man fo real!
A net is crucial especially when you fish with light tackle.👍🏽
Brecknell Scales SUCK and the company won't do anything for you. Goodbye $75.00
Hope more than a few months uploads..
My Brecknell stays in my boat all the time… spent 4+ years in Washington State where it rains all the time. Never had a problem with mine. I think the biggest problem with it is the fact that people use the cheapest battery they can find for it and it corrodes at the terminals. On a side note… you and I share the same PB weight… 9-14. In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't use a cheaper scale that might have incorrectly weighed it as a 10+ lb. fish. When I do get that DD fish I'll be SURE it is a DD fish! Let's go get new PB's this year!
keep posting! you definitely have an audience, you can generate a lot of revenue off youtube.
thank you for your advice i wish I could pick your brain about swimbait fishing
Very well done nice meeting you! Happy New Year!
Good stuff bro
Comeon, so its like darn! I am thinking a lot of different words would b said! Thanks for all the info.
My dad, extremely close family friend and grandpa are all part of the 6lber club and I’m still at 4lb 8oz this year I’m gonna join
Those are all a must for sure I have a beefy musky bait retriever myself I use a gambler scale have the elusive beast travel board have to measure them big rat fish at night So close to the prespawn bite have some new triple trout baits and rats to try out so excited Love Your Videos Brother!!! Cheers!! :))
Come out ca delta man !!
Yep if you don't have at least a pic it didn't happen
I wish I was able to measure my PB (7lbs 4oz) a couple years ago. I weighed her multiple times and she was longer than the width of my shoulders so I know she was pretty long.
When people talking shit to you, just pull out your BBC and slap em! Haters everywhere.
Looking for that DD this year!
Awesome video man always great to inform people on things they need
polarized shades could've been on that list. block out sun, able to see your bait and watch the followers react to bait even in this stained water in FL. or if you're that guy sight fishing snagging giants on beds! LOL. So classic calling dudes out without the cast 2 catch! HAHA!!