In this video, I am pond hopping for GIANT BASS, using a big swimbait to find the biggest bass that I can in city ponds!
Kastking gear and the 6th sense trace swimbait is all it takes to fool these monsters!
I understand it's a 6th sense swim bate but what's the name of this Particular one ?
What what swimbate did you use color wise?
New subscriber, here…have only watched a few vids and awesome so far. Reminds me of the old days when I was a kid fishing the lake and tributaries for Largemouth and Smallmouth bass. I noticed you don't weigh your fish, is there a reason? Just curious.
Thanks for managing our expectations on how long that took you to complete. 3 days of fishing for a couple fish. Easy to think you wacked in an hour or something!
Great video!!
Goggle eyed lunker wonders what people taste like!
Nice fish!!! I haven't been able to got out much lately. Watching this video makes me want to call in sick and go fishing. 😅
man i thought my base where big i guees i was rong!!!!
Great vid man keep it up
Some nice fish man!
Great video just hate seeing the fish being out of the water that long
Some really good fish though.
Still fishing ponds that you don't belong in I see. My HOA dues pay for this pond, its posted in two different places that it is for residents only.
nice video! where in Texas was this?
What part of Texas? I may be moving to Dallas area soon, closer to Stephenville any good spots?
I'm wondering if fish (when released) think that we have just rescued them from a baitfish from Hell….?
maybe 3 lbs Edit is key
Are you throwing that swimbait on straight braid?
Holy crap ty…. thats late summer magic my man
Do you like to cast with one hand the completely switch your grip every time so you can reel? Did u adopt that way or does it just feel right?
Dude hell yeah bro !!
Everybody please hit the thumbs up button before you watch the video!
I've tried to get into that habit with incredible videos like Ty's, because i always forget after watching it.
Thanks for another great one, Ty!
You could stick your entire arm in that thing's mouth!!
You are the King Catcher!!
Image those prespawn…. good times
Ty, firstly let me say this, you never post a "boring" video. You always bring your A-Game!😊
I was just wondering something about the Bass. Why do some Bass have light color scales and others darker?
Thanks again for another great post.
God Bless you and yours.
Obviously not only is the state big but the fish there are huge. Congrats Ty and keep living the dream. 🤘😎