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Our Approach To Fishing Big Swimbaits In The Fall To Catch Big Bass!

Fall can be a great time to catch big bass on big swimbaits. Geoff breaks down his approach and ideology on fishing with big swimbaits this time of year!

Products in this video:

Megabass Magdraft:

Deps Bull Shooter:

Deps Slide Swimmer 250:

Manifold Castellanon:

Bull Shad:

Please check out The Hook Up Tackle for all your fishing needs!

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  1. Trout are already in as of 25th wasnt supposed to be till Nov 15 took days off found out today it changed so bummed like to be there was in texas anyway that day but dang it Great Video and All Great Baits!!! Cheers!! :))

  2. I am all about that bass and you can sure catch em I made a bass video lately caught over 50 smallmouth bass I 2 hours mostly around 12 inches but it was a great day but now with winter approaching all I can do is watch others fish lol I would do ice fishing but I am only 15 so I can’t drive to a spot!

  3. It's been swimbait season since march lmao it never stops guys but it does change been using tons of glides and thru my battle shad couple times recently but nothing on the battle shad yet but I know its coming . Gonna try it at a trout lake here in jersey where I saw the biggest bass I've ever seen in my life was a state record for sure for nj it wouldn't bite anything I threw at her she had a 5lb male with her which alone was crazy for me to see.

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