Sure, catching 4lb smallmouth bass it ok, but if you want 6lb+ big trophy smallmouth, you need to put down the hair jig and tubes, and pick up the big fish catcher, the swimbait. In this video, Bassmaster Elite Series champion B.A.S.S. bass angler & Mille Lacs hammer Seth Feider talks about fishing soft plastic swimbaits for larger fish. Learn all of Seth Feider’s secret tips for catching trophy smallies on boot tail swimbaits in the full 44-minute class at and purchase all the tackle you’ll need to fish keitech, huddleston & rago swimbaits on daiwa rods & reels with sufix fluorocarbon & braided line at:
10 7 Less than a minute
He definitely did it for Dale lol.
This guy looks like Seth Feider's son lmao
Seth Feider is actually a sharp looking dude (no homo). He’s not as monotone here.
I know the voice but cant place the face
Click bait there isn’t enough hair in this video…
he looks like 12 years old wtf
Look good 😜
I didn’t realize that was Feider until he started talkin haha i thought that was some kid getting ready to introduce him.
Look at the baby face on that young innocent fellow
What is the best hook size for 2.5 inch swimbait?