Capt Blair Wiggins heads west for his first fishing excursion in Southern California while out in Long Beach for the Fred Hall Show. He fishes for wintertime calico bass with DOA swimbaits off of Catalina Island with Eric Bent. #calicobass #catalinaisland
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What time of year was this ?
that seal is cute 😛
The dorsal fin is damn sharp…hold em by the mouth.
not spotted sand bass
spotted bay bass
giant kelpfish not tree fish
Check out my Miami top water Peacock bass videos so next time your in S.FL you can catch one on top water!
Man on vacation hooked into a nice Calico drifting over the kelp using a weightless 10" power worm but it got off!
Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
It's 12" inches
@0:42 fart noise
hey blair do you think the sabalos reels have a really quiet drag system or is mine broken?
that's a wrasse "kelp fish" a tree fish is a rock fish!!! lol
54-55 and you're complaining?! Nice fishing though.
no dolph its a kelpfish jesus
eric bent is a great guy and the tournaments he puts on are great
Was thinking same thing…Sandy Ego mostly called a Kelp Fish or for Mr. Eric Bent lol Heterostichus rostratus
0:39. dat noise.
that's what he gets for holding the calico's by the gill. (Spikes on the gill) 3:53
Love to see u in Alaska and hawaii
I've fished here at Catalina a lot! Pretty good fishing, nice vid that's cool you came to SoCal!
You need to do a kayak episode
Hey blair I love your rod we went offshore fishing and caught snapper and sea bass and amberjack it handled well
Can't wait to get out there and catch some big ones!
You are totally on the money about this one. TREE fish my ass.
Everybody not from Cali thinks the water here is warm here..Just the opposite .I'm jealous of FL water temps!
LMB is not good enough for Blair lol
Great episode Blair, look forward to seeing more! Glad you got a chance to experience the Southern California Saltwater Bass fishery! – Evan
The fish he caught at 5min was a kelp greenling
upload the rest!
Bathwater :O wow thats cold….no way. One time I went fishing at night near elliot key off of black point marina heading towards middle creek it.. trying to catch big fish that come into the bay at night…man the water must have been 84 degrees because it felt great when I went for a swim.
Only swim in 78+? That's like bathwater here up in New York.
load the rest of episode!!!
Only saltwater or freshwater from the Amazon.
Do you have any largemouth videos?
everyone wears their PFD's out there! Just in case . . .
'These are Paralabrax clathratus…'-Blair laughs- 'You go brother'- Hahaha
I've seen pacific barracuda, and they look really different than the ones here in florida.
54….55…OMG..when the water temp is 73 here in South Fla i dont even touch the water…only swim in 78+, its just too cold. plus I don't really like swimming with a wet suit.
looking forward to the new episodes!!!
DICK'S just had a sale – buy a GEN2FlatsBlue rod and get a Sabalos reel for FREE.
Beautiful Water!