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Fishing Big Swimbaits For Big Pike!

Fall fishing out of the kayak for big northern pike!

Gear used in this video:

Lure: Savage Gear 4play 8″

Rod: St Croix LT 6’8″ MH F

Reel: Quantum VP100HPT

Line: Power Pro Super Slick V2

Net: Ozark Trail Walmart special

Kayak: Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120

Paddle: Bending Branches Angler Pro

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  1. Hey Matt, I’m a huge fan of your channel and have learned quite a bit from your pike videos. Wondering if you could give me some advice? Do you always tie your lures directly to your fluorocarbon leader or do you ever use snap swivels? Is there a difference in the number of strikes you get without the swivel because pike and other fish see it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Anyway, thank you for putting out such great. Best fishing channel by far IMO

  2. Thank you for sharing your videos. I truly enjoy watching them. You are a true class act. Always respectful of the waterways you fish and sharing what works and what doesn’t.

    Hope you have a good season this year. All the best to you and your family.

  3. Love the channel but as someone from the netherlands, i do not understand this way of fishing. Very good line, rod and reel, makes it very easy to just pull the fish in without drilling it. Where is the fun in that? If you can pull an almost meter long pike in within one minut, the gear is to strong imo 😉

  4. I really enjoy the videos! Went to Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a frog that you tested in another vidio… I wanna shop at YOUR store. The same frog here was ELEVEN bucks…. Well….not for this kid. But keep em coming.!

  5. I'm enjoying your videos! I'm also blown away by the accuracy of your casts. Do you ever hit the shoreline & get hung up? Will have to go pick up some of those "fat boy" lures you use for bass. Hope they will be as effective up here in Canada.😊😊

  6. I would recommend you try savage gear line thrus there there a soft swimbait they have a great action and you can get them in trout ,pike,perch,roach and are very durable due to the line thru system

  7. Sir I use Abu 30-110 gram rod, i think that would be fast action heavy rod and i fish everything on it. It is very hard on top but it works fine for everything so far. Why people have so many different rods?

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