In this video, my pal Henry and I are fishing behind a massive spillway, in texas! We are using swimbaits to try to entice these monster alligator gar to strike! We find a ton of willing fish, and one of them is a real monster that jumps out of the water a few times!
Gear used: KastKing Royale Legend 200 reel, Kastking Speed Demon Pro Carolina Rig rod!
That's insane… one of those would make most fisherman's life… I caught a 10' 350lb sturgeon in Hell's Canyon on the Snake… Another 4ft and 7.5ft that same day… But never this kind of action… That was a waiting game
and 12 to 17 on 50 pluss fish and most peapole that fish be for braid
lol i have cought 400 lb shark on 50 lb mono and you say light tackal i use no more then 6lb and cach 10 to 12 lb all day long
what state
You sir… are a fish
Am surprised you're not hooking into any blues/flatheads there
Boy,if I was anchored anywhere near that buoy in any lake or river around here I'd have already gotten a Whopper of a ticket if they didn't impound my boat and gear
Man I got to come down there and do some fishing up here in the north we only got the muskies in the Northerns they don't get quite that big I've got some 4 1/2 ft muskie Houghton Lake St Clair but I mean you guys are catching 5 Footers one after another
7:37 is the fish
Nice !!!!!
Hey if you guys like fishing content, check out my latest video.
Try using the swim bait that looks like a rainbow trout
Don't feel bad about 50lb. Braid, I use 65lb. Braid below dams I have seen 100lb. Fish come out of the waters I use to fish, below nickajack dam in Tennessee
What an unreal day. This is got to be near the top of fishing. Giant fish eating huge lures and so many too. Just amazing
Nice gars!
Epic day of fishing.
What hell kinda of leader are you using?
What amazing fish they are and what a fight they give you! A great day out on the water 😁
Cool video Ty!! And I think it's a good thing using strong line to catch huge toothy fish otherwise you risk breaking off a big hook or lure and that fish has to live with it for a couple months or die if it's mouth is hooked shut. So 50lb braid isnt a bad thing IMHO 😊
P.S. I hadn't even gotten to 7:30 when I made this comment and that's exactly what I was talking about….
P.P.S. Always enjoy the slow-mo and replays cause Id have to do it myself otherwise LOL thanks Ty!!!
Great fish guys
Bro you are making the best YT fishing content. I'm a pretty avid viewer of YT fishing channels. You really should have way more views and members. You are doing good but your content is 🔥. Really you are living the dream, this stuff is fun wish more youngsters could get exposed! Keep it up
What a day. I would love to go gar fishing with swim baits. More fun for all concerned. Keep your videos coming, I love to watch them.
GREAT FISH!!!!!!!!!!
Ty as always if there is a giant fish in the water it ends up on the end of your line. You are the goat of the fishermen on youtube .The Best .Please keep em coming I enjoy them so much
Absolutely fantastic
Fish of a life time with every cast
Thumbs up 👍🏼