I compare the Berkley Cullshad 6, 6th sense Hangover, Bass Mafia Daingerous, and the Spro Megalajohn 6 to the megabass magdraft. I break down the strengths and weaknesses of each bait. I retrieve the baits at different speeds on the water. I give an on the water demonstration so you can make informed purchases. #fishing #bassfishing #largemouthbassfishing #livescope #smallmouth #berkley #bassmafia #6thsense #basslures #megabass
the con to this test is, this is a cold water test and these baits will peform much different in higher temp water. you should retest them when the water hits at least 55. that water looks like its in the 30's lol.
The hangover actually has done me fairly well and the mag draft . I noticed the heavy on the hangover compared to slow sink it takes hair to get adjusted. Think the fish 3/10.5ish in ky gave me little confidence in it colder water temps 45-55 ..the msg draft hard to beat. Nice video I haven’t tried the bass mafia yet ..u pointed out good things there on the head up difference to the the exact my concern was the magnet . Wish it was already glued in. I did notice the smell off the hangovers ..I think it draws fish well and in ky a lot guys aren’t chucking bigger swimmer ls as much so it’s something different ..I think they’re differently more of a situational bet here!!! Big pre spawners down to 15inchers munch the mag draft and hangover I noticed
Thank you for your review, and viewpoint on the CullShad! We're curious if perhaps you may have one of the baits which was culled. We'd be happy to send you some fresh CullShad baits to test out! Comment below, and we'll set it up. Appreciate you taking the time to provide a review with your experience, we look forward to hearing from you 🙌
I wonder how they skip
Great review and great water footage, very helpful. I used the Magdraft for two years, lost three of them and never caught a bass.
Great video! Love how you were straight to the point on each one of them, very helpful!
Hangover looks drunk in the water
Is that the first batch Cullshad? Berkley had a recall on those because they didn't swim properly.
I used to fish the Magdraft a lot, but after getting the first Daingerous unrigged versions a year ago, I fish it more as it is more versatile.
Would like a second review with the fast sink hangover as its supposeably more versitile for the retreive. I was planning on getting the fast sink hangover this year for deeper applications and then the daigerous swimbait for shallow to midrange
So the mag and danger will cover most scenario's
Thank you for putting them to the test BEFORE passing a opinion and taking the time to understand each bait. I think they will all work in different situations
I was waiting for someone to do this, thank you!
Would really like an unbiased mulletron review from bass fishermen perspective even tho it’s wedgetaill
I have magdrafts amd you better glue the magnet in there to or you will lose it
I buy the megabass freestyle now and do my own hooks
Thanks for the honest feedback 👊🏽
Thanks for the honest feedback 👊🏽
I would go for the Chris Zaldaingerous any given day 🎣👊
Really nice video! Love the in water shots. Really educational
Thx for the review…subbed 😁🤘
Nice I have all of them besides the spro. Looking forward to throwing them soon
Try them in warmer water for slower speeds. The plastic softens with heat.
Great video.
Good unbiased comparison.
The hangover is the best one out there. I have had zero issues with any of mine, and the fast sink can be retrieved almost any way you want
Hudd tails imo are where it’s at
Good video 👍🏾
Magdraft or Huddleston Deluxe 68💪🏼🎣
Ive been throwing the Mag Draft but I will be using the Dangerous from now on . Zaldain has put a lot of time and effort into perfecting it and I think he hit a home run .
Alot of people fish swimbaits/soft plastics with a lack of knowledge of how to fine tune em. You can fish em however you want if you know how to tune them to your style of fishing. Tight Lines & Be Safe 💪
This was excellent and helped me decide which bait to buy. I was impressed the most by the Megalojohn from SPRO. THANKS for your efforts! 👍
The Hangover comes in 3 different sink rates. Unless you tried them all, it’s a bit unfair. That being said it’s kinda of a pain and expensive to own all three so you can fish varying conditions.
Make sure a nail weight is inserted into the belly of the cull shad.
Thanks for the comparison video. I’ve been looking for one showing exactly what you put together. I have all of these except the Spro and Cull and will stay away from the Cull for sure.
Hard to beat 3:16's Rising Son's, Matt Lures & WCZ'S as leaders in the soft swimbaits!
Cullshads are legit, dangerous is legit and NOT a knock off at all, Hangover has room for improvement, one speed retrieve like the magdraft, water Temps/ water density will affect all soft plastics & swimbaits included. And the SPRO. NO HANDS ON EXPERIENCE with it yet so I can't say anything about it
I got rid of all my magdrafts in exchange for the Daingerous swimbait. Reason being, the daingerous fits my style far better when working fast or slow without hindering its actions. Secondly, I personally love Chris story behind making the Daingerous. Yes I’m fully aware it looks like the OG but it has far better characteristics that the OG could never have. I’m not a one retrieve speed type of guy so the OG ain’t it for me.