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Swimbait Techniques 90% Of Anglers Are Clueless About…

Randy talks about swim bait fishing…#angler #bass #fishing #bassfishing #fish #fishingdaily #fishinglife #catchandrelease #fishingtrip #swimbaitfishing

Please use my tackle warehouse links below. If you would like to order any of the swim bats, we talked about in today’s video. Thank you!

Megabass Swimbaits…

Zoom Swimbaits…

Other Swimbaits..

Need to order any fishing tackle? It would be much appreciated if you use my link:

Rods –
Reels –
Fishing Line –
Fishing Line 2 –
Trolling motor –
Electronics –
Power Poles –
Sunglasses –
Hard Baits –
Soft Baits –
Hooks –
Scents –

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  1. Randy, you introduced me to the Megabass Hazedong. I’ll put it on a 1/16 jig head on light 6bl. Mono and I’ll put fish other folks throwing larger, heavier jigs (cranking too fast). Thanks Randy!

  2. Information is good knowledge im over 50 years now all my fishing was plastic worm and spinner baits growing up last couple year got a boat and its a totally different world of fishing i need all information i can get learning from you im getting better thank you

  3. Just today at Table Rock near where I caught my 8 lb. 12 oz. Largemouth last February I missed a 5 to 6 pounder using a 4” pink / chartreuse paddle tail Swimbait on an original Z-Man chatter bait from the bank in 2’ of water 10’ from the shore off of a flat gradual sloping point right after the rain stopped.
    The only fish I saw and it just bitch slapped the lure and came back around after missing it but it spotted me and spooked and took off.
    I assume I reeled by it and it struck in a defensive manner only.
    I’m determined to fish more this year with paddle tail swim baits and jigs to target larger fish as I’m after a 10 pound or bigger now as my goal.

  4. I've noticed that many of your video titles state that a percentage of anglers are clueless about something. Why do you think 90% of anglers are clueless? Would it not be better to state "some of you may not know this" and then give your "expertise" on the subject? Just my opinion and probably means nothing, but many are not clueless.

  5. Very good info. I’m very new to boat fishing. Most of mine has been from a kayak. It’s a different game. Looking forward to your on the water videos. Maybe you can do some technique series

  6. I’m in… my swim bait game is kinda weak. I’ve had some great results with them but for some reason still haven’t thrown them consistently enough to get really good at it.

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