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Fishing Mike Bucca Bull Shad Swimbait

Fishing Mike Bucca Bull Shad Swimbait
#swimbaitfishing #Bullshadswimbait

Welcome back to another episode in today’s episode we are fishing the Mike Bucca Bull shad swimbait 8″ in the gizzard shad color. This is a lure I have been wanting to fish for some time now and finally have gotten around to getting one. This lure is great and great craftmanship has been put into this lure making it a very unique type of swimbait. Burning it on the top or slowing it down to a moderately fast retrieve will draw in some big bites. Thanks for watching! Fish on!!

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  1. I have been using this baby bull shad, and I have been having amazing luck with it. I've pulled up 4 lbers with it. I lost what had to be a six pounder right on the bank with this shad, but I didn't set the hook good enough

  2. Good Fishing video. I have several Bull Shads I met Mike at his office shop near Atlanta last year. Great place to visit. A fellow fisherman told me if you can find a pond or lake with an alligator, you will probably find big bass also.

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