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Do Bass Actually Eat Bluegills?? | GoPro Live Bluegill Footage Underwater

To answer that question: Yes, they do! But what makes bass want to eat bluegill? In this video, I show you how bass react to LIVE Bluegill underwater in their habitat. I provide some great commentary, and I hope you guys learn something! Let me know what you think about the footage in the comments below!


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  1. I once caught a large bass (No scale to weigh but five pounds plus I'd say) in a Missouri strip pit that had a very large bluegill sticking out of her throat. And she still smashed my spinnerbait.

  2. All I see is you Torchering an adult bluegill. Not a tiny bait fish that bass do eat.(coming from someone who’s a much better and far far farrrrrrr more experienced fishermen than you) they don’t eat giant blue gill. They eat small ones dumb dumb. They eat them head first. This is very common knowledge

  3. At my local farm pond I was fly fishing for the big bluegill and crappie that reside in the pond. I caught several from my little pontoon boat. About the 5th one I caught felt like the others not big. Then the rod goes down and I have a good fight on my hands, I could barely pull back on the rod soI didn’t break the light leader I was using. I thought maybe the bluegill wrapped the line around a submerged tree limb or something. Finally start bringing in the line and here it is a big 6/7 pound largemouth. Brought it up and netted the fish and that’s when I saw what was in his mouth, a little 3inch bluegill that I caught with my fly. He had it in his mouth head first. I had a heck of a time trying to get that bluegill out of his mouth because of the bluegills top spiny dorsal fin getting caught on the roof of the bass’s mouth. So yes they do eat them head first.

  4. this guys channel is really freaking cool! i love your enthusiam and how quick and to the point you are. thank you, ive learned a lot from your videos, and i hope you keep posting for a long time!

  5. I've noticed when I catch bluegill, they stop wiggling almost completely as soon as I cover their head/eyes with my hand. The fish in your video seems to do the same thing when bass #2 bites its head.

  6. Yeah, I catch largemouths on live gills every year.🤷 It's not a hypothesis either, of course they eat head first, would you swallow a pine cone bottom first? Good luck. Better luck tomorrow!

  7. Bass eat blue gill the reason I know my first 8 pounder had a Bream stuck in its throat the eat a lot of them it was in June never forget it it hit a big sinner bait with a Colorado blade so was trying to eat more big bait’s

  8. How many blue gill did you torture for your stupid video? What did you do, knock it out….? And tie fishing line to its tail? Real fisherman know what’s in the body of water they are fishing. And understand that blue gill are bait fish, bass will definitely eat blue gill are you joking me.

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