In this video, we used swimbaits to fish for wolf pack bass.
We ran into several large wolf packs of bass, one wolf pack had a 8-10 bass in it. If you’re in the area you should definitely check out Charlie Elliot it has a ton of areas to fish. Thanks for Watching.
Donut Shad-
Instagram: Atypical Outdoors
Fish Brain: Atypical
Go Fund Me: ( yak Accident)
Costa sunglasses:
Action camera:
Case for better sound:
Battery pack for camera:
Mic. for clear audio:
Windscreen for Mic:
Tripod for tricky recording:
Area 19 Baits-
Ocean Floor by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
(Big Bird’s Disease by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Thinking about going out there tomorrow. I’ve been twice and always got skunked. Lol
Texas rig or finesse bait jig
I've been skunked at every lake except Bennet. The dam on the back end has quite a few 2-4lb LMBs. They like drop shot senkos.
Charlie Elliot is only 15 minutes away from where I live.
Yesterday I went to Fox lake, Lake Margery and Dairy pond and caught some decent bass from 3-5 pounds. It's a great place for fishing. I recommend using a Senko worm, chatterbait, or a crankbait at this time of the year.
Great video!
my advice (just a regular joe schmoe here so take with grain of salt haha) you gotta go alone, stay silent, cast from much further away from shore, and i also wouldnt drop it right on em over and over, go well past the fish and bring it to them. GOOD LUCK and i have subbed and enjoy watching.
loved the video! just subbed
You need to follow it with a trick worm
Hey man I love the Videos…I have been subscribed to you for a few months. On that note I just started a channel hit me up and subscribe I just got my editing software so my content should improve soon.
I probably would have tried a fluke with a blue gill patten since it’s blue gill spawning season with both techniques (slow and fast) find out what the bass prefer…..maybe a crankbait to get that reaction strike…. I was thinking during the whole video that those swim baits were a little too big plus making those big splashes when u guys made your casts. Better luck next time guys. We all need it lol
Which lake was that on Charlie Elliot?
wassup !!!! we jus subbed
.. been checkn out all ya vids ..awesome stuff dude lotta good fishing and good info 2 .. keep it up man ..i and my kids are jus startin out the past year wit da bass scene and lets jus say .. im hooked cuz . lol. take care and keep it fareel
Rocks= crankbaits to me draw that reaction strike
Nice videos, you were definitely too close. I’ve had good success by speeding up the bait as they close in causing a reaction strike. It looks like the swim bait is trying to flee. Have a different/smaller bait ready to cast right in after the follower pulls off. Sometimes seeing something different or smaller makes it look like an easier meal. Good luck!
Have you ever fished the magdraft by Megabass?
"You're about to go in there swimming with it" hahahaha
A fluke weightless would have been my go to
Hey atypical. It was too much noise and your right they could see you. Those big swimbaits make a big splash helping to spook them more. I would of went with a 12 inch ribbon tail worm and let them come to me instead of chasing them. Just my opinion like your channel.
video bruh! I think
your tips was on point. When they can see you . You will never catch them unless it’s just a feeding frenzy. They was schooled up!
Another awesome vid man we gotta go back soon

crazy day for sure man