Had a long morning trying to figure out a pattern and was finally able to locate a fish by skipping a weedless Rago swimbait up and under docks. Skipping isn’t just for jig’s! With a little practice it can be a deadly technique in your arsenal with swimbaits also! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for all things swimbaits.
Thanks for watching, as always stay safe out there and tight lines! -James
If you’re interested in any of the gear used in this video and would like to help contribute to the growth of Swimbait Chronicles you can click any of the links listed below to see exactly what i use and where you can buy it.
13 fishing muse black swimbait rods-
-MBC79H- 15-20lb line – 2-4oz hvy/fast
Daiwa Tatula Type-HD Casting Reel- http://amzn.to/2dktusF
Power Pro braid- http://amzn.to/2dkigjv or get a big spool http://amzn.to/2daNtor
Rago baits weedles hot hitch-
10/0 Owner Beast Hook w/ Twistlock- http://amzn.to/2dkhN0E
INSTAGRAM- https://www.instagram.com/swimbaitchronicles/
FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/swimbaitchronicles/?fref=photo
TWITTER- https://twitter.com/swmb8chronicles
Canon 70d- http://amzn.to/2drSnil
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM Lens- http://amzn.to/2dkufSK
Rode VMGO Video Mic GO- http://amzn.to/2daNGrU
GOPRO- http://amzn.to/2d1HKob
EDITED IN FINAL CUT PRO X – http://amzn.to/2cuJO3Y
-Links listed above are Amazon Associates Program links-
Soundcloud- http://bit.ly/1WVBUV9
YouTube- http://bit.ly/2aE36G0
Make sure to Like, Favorite and Share this video and Subscribe if you haven’t done so already at
Bro fishing in heaven
Who else misses his videos 😔
Really good video thanks for your advice keep up the good work 👍
Hey man I'm looking on Tacklewarehouse and debating between the Huddleston deluxe 68 special and the Huddleston deluxe weedless. I live in Wisconsin and was wondering what would your choice be. Thanks, and I love your videos!
"homelake" 😂
Nice Graybar hat, I work for Graybar.
how could I contact you? I'm gonna be in Vegas through Monday and I'd like to see if we could link up.
You look like a real FREAK!
More catches, less talking.
What rod do you use to skip?
How's the Daiwa tatula HD Holding Up? Really want a good heavy duty Reel with the left hand crank that I'm not going to burn up in the first season!
I think you should do some traditional bass gear vids too! I love your vids and would love to see some more quantitys of fish in a video ! Keep up the great work man 👍
You should look to do a collaboration with Paul Bailey on clear lake. I feel like you two together would be a dream team. Any way, great video man. Can't wait for the next one.
Throwing a savage gear 10" line thru shad, LOTS of follows and nose downs but no fish. Any tips on getting them to hit it?
Great video they always say u learn something new each day I lean enough for a week in one of your videos keep it up
where is that place your fishing it lookslike it would be really cool to live in
Good info. James. Hey you caught more than I did. I was fishing Fork today throwing an Arsenal and got skunked! keep the good info. coming.
Hows the durability of those weedless Rago's?
Good videos man , I gave up throwing the swimbait's and man do I miss it , But as soon as I started throwing an A-Rig its game over not only am i catching as good or better quality fish , but its so much easier and hit way more often . wanted to let you know i threw you a Sub and I hope your Channel continues to grow .. Fish On Brother
Nice vid man. Just bought the gantarel is a baby bass color. Any ways I could fish it? I have tried a few different things and I can't get a bite.
awesome footage man…. I got a rat and have caught a few good ones on it. I tend to get more fish when walking the dog rather Than waking it.
Any thoughts on Matt lure dead twitch trout 13 inch
How is that water so light blue?!
Nice, your Dad, David Stanley reccomended your YouTube video, awesome video,
I bought some top water swimbaits and slowsinking ones and I'm having a lot of follows and bites on them but no catch yet!