Alright, Let’s give this swimbait thing a try! I am suuuuper new to this type of fishing so any recommendations are welcome! I look forward to trying other swimbaits and turning this into a series. Subscribe to follow the journey!
🔷Follow PewPewFishing on Instagram and Tiktok:
🔷 SwimBaits by:
🔷 Gear:
Savagegear Browser rod:
Shimano SLX DC:
Berkley Big Game Braid Line:
🔷Camera Equipment:
GoPro Hero 7 Black:
GoPro Hero 2018:
GoPro Chesty:
“Vlog camera”:
🔷Use promo code “PEWPEW” to get your FIRST Mystery Tackle Box for only $10, new customers only –
#BassFishing #Swimbaitfishing #Fishing
You used a spot tail magic
Bro u should get the lixada carbon handle it gives you a lot more twerk to throw big swimbaits
How much was the go pro setup
Yea the rod looks good! Thank you for posting motivation💪🏾🎣
Yo bro we bs a lot on insta that sure looks like some Oklahoma waters😆 be dope to link up and catch some donks!!
Thats something I hope to use more this year too!
Good catch I am always worried about throwing something that big. 🙌🏻👊🏻👊🏻
Nice bass with the swim bait. That’s was 😎👍 video.
Came across your channel while looking for some Oklahoma fishing videos subscribed and great videos. What would you recommend for a beginners baitcaster for some bass and crappie setup?
It always feels good to catch a bass in the winter no matter the size, Great vid 👍🏾
Grats on your first swimbait bass bro!
We love this!!! Thanks for representing 🔥🙌
Awesome video!!!
Something I'm trying to get into more this year as well!
Great content and presentation!!!❤️❤️❤️
I just ordered the fatty trash fish 6” with some beast hooks! Can’t wait until they come in
I would recommend slow rolling it you’ll get more bites doing that in the winter
Looks good bro! I've been getting tore up on the 168 S-Waiver. You should try it.
I'm trying to get into the swimbait baits too!!! These look dope! Glhf this year!
Congrats on 1st swimbait bass! I thought the same on Bowser rod usually big broom sticks start with a 1/2 -3/4 oz weight not 1/4oz. kinda strange
The action on those swimbaits is awesome. A setup I like to use is the Z man DieZel Minnowz on a Z man Eye Strike Chatterbait. And basically what that is a swimbait on a swimbait hook with a chatterbait blade attached to it. Works great.
Great video!
What swimbaits should I try next 👀!?
thatta boy!
gotta. get me some of those for calico!
Wassup nice video first