Every single BIG fish we catch is captured “Cast to Catch”, almost always with multiple angles. Here is some RAW footage for you to gain some insight on the sequences that comprise the content here at Big Bass Dreams.
This is just one of the 3 angles we have that feature a 17.40 personal best for Oliver Ngy. So far this is his biggest bass ever. We are considering doing another video from another angle for your enjoyment if you guys have any interest in that, please leave a comment! Wishing everybody out there good fishing, positive vibes and hopefully we can all relate on a similar experience when we see each other on the water!
#AimHighDREAMBig #BigBassDreams
Sweet beyond sweet. I'm so happy for you. Incredible fish!!!
Clear lake?
Crappy footage
Wow what a beautiful fish she’s huge I bet she put up a good fight 17 big girl she’s probably 20 pounds now
Great Vedio, thanks
was with my buddy Scott when he nailed a 17 at wohlford back in the day. Was on cloud nine for years after my 15. I still look at that mount each day in my loft and smile. Long time ago, but congrats.
Great fish Oliver. Love your content! I am pretty sure I know the lake you caught this from. I fish there quite often. If you are interested and coming up and giving it another go and have a place to stay, give me a shout out. I have a couple other lakes that you may find outstanding as well. Take care
I've been scanning the comments for ten minutes. I still can't find the name of the intro song. Shit is dope! Someone help me out!
I got a few things I need to do over the next 2 years. Buy a boat being one. Than I'm going to Mexico once a year until I get that teener. My pb is 5lb 11oz but got 6 fish over 5lb . All in Massachusetts. That was all from 05 -2012. Just got back into it heavy 6 months ago & coming across Oliver's videos got me hooked on big glide,wake & swimbaits. I love throwing a big rat. 17lber sheesh
She will be back in the same spot maybe a world record in a couple years. Well done.
That’s amazing dude I’m always excited catching a 3 lber
is that at lake berryessa?
That's Sick But My PB Is 17 lbs 10 ozs and 5 months later, in February 2011, I caught a 18 lb 7 oz largemouth.
Beautiful fish congrats man wow. One day one day
Dude, my phone is 7 lbs. A 17 pounder, thats insane man
Damm Now that’s a HAWG !

Love it,got me a 6.58.great content.thanks
30 seconds in and the music has me saiyng "bye bye"
Wow what a catch awsome.
I watched this agin agin ! Even 4yrs later I’m still watching this !
Check that one out Mike Dixon!!!
So humble thanks for sharing that
In Florida you can catch over 80 bass in 5 hour’s with the right fishing partner your pretty lucky if you catch an 8 pounder or a teener one of my favorite videos you never know when big mama will bite.
The dream is real! Just gotta keep er goin!!!!!
Love it!!
What’s the intro music? I wanna use it for something?
All those "little ones" prepared you, me however, I would've folded! Hopefully after I bagged her.
This is what dreams are made of
Boohoohoo i can only catch 10 pounders all day. Cry me a freaking river dude
What lake!???
straight up beast mode bruh!! Anyone who thumbs-downed this is straight up hate'n smh. Keep grinding man — inspiring.
Nice work.
You can say I’m salty or whatever but it sucks seeing you weight the fish and then throw it in the boat while you grab your cellphone to text your buddies or whatever you’re doing. Seems like you have zero respect for the fish or the fishery and are all about the clout and attaboys. Kinda sad to see, honestly. Put the fish back in the water…keep it in the net if need be. You should be treating fish like that with a little more respect.
My PB was 14.5 lbs. Almost 40 years ago. I'm still lookin for my next PB. NOTHING compares to a lunker in the teens! I can't imagine one over 17. Wow!!!
That's a pig you caught
I never get tired of watching this.
Ohhh man, so epic dude!! Wow, I can only imagine what that felt like!
Great fish man, lets see some more!
Huge, I thought I had a huge fish at 12.51 I probably felt the way you did as it is my PB. Anyway, CONGRATs on an amazing hulk of a fish.
How do I find the intro song???
howd you get that camera angle tho?! lol
U didn't even show the bass up close