What is the best swimbait head on the market? YOU BE THE JUDGE! We take the heads YOU requested most and put them to the test, Underwater, on several different swimbaits, to see which one is the BEST!
Email: bassgeek.biteme@gmail.com
Address: PO Box 538 Duffield, VA 24244
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Bassmunitions: 6in Patriot Minnow Natural Shad https://bit.ly/3biFRys 10% Discount: GEEK10
Scottsboro Tackle Company:5in swimbait: https://bit.ly/2E16e0s
Strike King Shadalicious: 5.5in swimbait: https://bit.ly/2PM717X
Basstrix 6in swimbait: https://bit.ly/3fqnmKm
Zoom Swimmer 5in swimbait: https://bit.ly/3gSYcoC
Swimbait Heads:
Ledghead Lures: https://bit.ly/2XJGGwH 10% Discount: BassGeek
Dirty Jig’s Matt Allen Head: https://bit.ly/3gVnwcU
Gambler GOAT Head: https://bit.ly/2QOyZAB
6Sense Divine Swimbait Head: https://bit.ly/34XsqE2
Other Gear I use:
Lew’s: https://bit.ly/2YsCSj1
Angler Tungsten: https://bit.ly/3fFGu75
Cumberland Pro Lures: https://bit.ly/30UT12r
TRCCovers: https://trccovers.com/?ref=bassgeek 10% Discount: BASSGEEK10
EGO Fishing Net: https://bit.ly/3eWJrQO
EGO Pliers: https://bit.ly/3eWJrQO
EGO Cull Board: https://bit.ly/3eWJrQO
ConnectScale: http://bit.ly/2UX8s3W
Ledghead Lures: https://bit.ly/2XJGGwH 10% Discount: BassGeek
Mystery Tackle Box: Mytery Tackle Box: code bassgeek https://bit.ly/2VVKdFE
Shane’s Baits: bit.ly/shanesbaits
Smelly Jelly: https://amzn.to/35U55AU
KVD Line and Lure Treatment: https://amzn.to/2rhWwR5
What I Wear
Zionor Goggles: https://amzn.to/2MRgFWb
Glacier Glove:
Pro Angler Light: https://amzn.to/2nuuRe0
Pro Angler: https://amzn.to/2Vv1Tax
SolarBat Sunglasses: Crusie
HI Contrast Yellow – Low Light: https://bit.ly/3b8IyCG
Mossback – Partly Cloudy to High Sun for Shallow Cover: https://bit.ly/3b8IyCG
Gray – Offshore Sunny days: https://bit.ly/3b8IyCG
Boat Electronics:
Hydrowave: https://amzn.to/2nTqMQw
Humminbird Graphs: https://amzn.to/2KLbl5T
Humminbird 360: https://amzn.to/2ZcHgzV
Camera Gear:
YOLOtek: https://bit.ly/bassgeekyolotek Code: BASSGEEK up to 38% off
Camera Bag and Box – Pelican: https://bit.ly/2KabM8I
3x’s Gopro Hero 5 Blacks: https://amzn.to/2ZhYITT
Rode Video Mic Go: https://amzn.to/31QrL2l
Saramonic SR-XM1 Omnidirectional Microphone Plug and Play Mic
Swimbait heads
swimbaits under water footage
underwater footage
swimbait action
#Swimbaitheads #GamberlGOAT #MattAllenSwimbaitHead #Ledgehead #DivineHead
Very well done underwater footage.
Obviously it's a matter of technique, ie boat or bank, A Rig or scraping the bottom. type of bait etc.
Surprised at how little tail action there was on the Basstrix.
Mission tackle makes a good swim bait Hook
I always learn so much from your videos. Really enjoyed the underwater testing. Thanks
Looked to me that the ledge head with the strike king swimbait, was the best action!
You should do underwater worms with Garrett Lure Company Bruiser worms! Compare them with Zoom trick and others!!!!
Maybe you should try better swimbaits 🤷🏾♂️ because those had no action.
Really like the ledgehead
Strike King swimbait was awesome with all the heads thanks for the info !
What size swimbaits were you using on those heads?
Hay Hank,. Liked the Bristol shirt u had on !!!! U ever fish the holston river ??? Big smallies !!!! When u gonna bank fish ???????? Come on !!!!!! Robert Presley's Kingsport speedway is nice !!!!!!
They may not be out of the same mold, but they are made out of the same Chinese factory. Sad when ya think about it.
Ledgehead all the way! Those strikeking swimbaits were impressive as well 👍
Great video as always bro. Couldn't help but notice the different speeds it took to get the desired tail action and secondary action with the different heads on the different baits. Have watched the video back a few times and noticed how fast the blue dots were moving on the side of the pool. Definitely a huge difference on retrieval of each one to get what you want when fishing a swimbait. Your thoughts?
I use the Matt Allen head and tactical bassin finesse heads. And they definitely works much better with a keitech or rage swimmer as far as action. I use swimbaits hooks that you insert into the hollow bodies for deeper structure. But you are right. You can RUN through some plastic on those tactical bassin heads. Nice vid man. Gonna have to check out that ledge head.
Good video Hank. Gambler and ledgehead are my picks!! Hope you have a good Labor Day!!
Serious;y surprised how bad some of the swimbaits looked. Need to try different swimbaits with the different heads. Some of those baits just dont kick at all. Have to have that kick to get the motion started then the head will help continue that rock.
I'm a ledge head fan. What I really got sold on was the strike king swimbait
Man I like these underwater comparisons. Would love to see you do crawa, creatures and other baits🐟👊🏼
Ledge head kept them all looking similar….the 6th sense I’ve used, and like the keeled bottom for bottom contact, the other two were controlled by the baits themselves
That ledgehead makes the whole bait wabble. I'm a believer!
Nice comparison
Ledge head and 6th was the 2 best. Ledge head was the over all winner. 👍🔥🔥
Thanks for the insight!
The SK Shadalicous surprised me. I have passed on them because I thought they would be too subtle. Wrong!
BG-just wondering since your a deep guy if youve tried those Scottsborough Hellfire screwlock keeper joints yet.I talk to Sealock over at W2F alot,& he swears by that head.I been throwing the Matt Allens since I started tossin Kietechs and the like.It all depends if you want that extra body roll or not from that offset line tie.(well it depends if the Bass want it)love the chan bud!
I almost order some of the Matt Allen heads but after this I think I will just save my money. But I do think the shape of the head can make a huge difference because I think the Trokar swimbait heads allow for some pretty good action and head wobble.
Always like pool videos, as they allow to see bait movement well. I have new found respect for Bass Munitions and, oddly enough, Strike King and Zoom. Keep up the good work. Always enjoy.
Yea the ledge head is really nice
Matt Allen heads are more for the Keitech 3.8 to 4.8 and those type of swimbaits
The Matt Allen head dis old better then expected in my opinion . 5he Strike King bait seemed to have that nice side to side rock on all the heads as well. The bastrix did ok too. Very interesting experiment and always a fan of seeing the baits in action.
Ledgehead looks the best. Good stuff buddy. Learning a lot for sure.
Hard call, but for sure the Bass Munitions swim bait looks the best of the ones you used without a doubt. #favoriteyoutuber and don’t forget the hard jointed baits lol.
I think the ledge head is the best action over all, but i’m not a big fan of the hook that they used for it.
I agree with you. The Ledgehead looks best. I have the Matt Allen but will have to pick up the Ledgehead.👍
Ledgehead for the W!
Strike king on matt Allen my self
The 6 sense head and Bass munitions body nice action damnit man. …
I was skeptical about the ledge head didn’t like the look of it but I’m a believer now and I agree with others on the strike king looked sweet. Thanks bassgeek great info!
love the footage, I do use Ledgehead and 6th Sense.
The ledgehead with the strike king plastics for the win IMO. 6 sense in 2nd place. Very informative video sir!!!! Thank you
first, I thank you for the Dirty jigs entry 🙂 It was surprising. I must say the keeper on the Dirty Jigs leaves room to be desired, especially for a hollow body. Ledge head has the best hollow body keeper and good action to go with it. Although, I still prefer the action of the Dirty Jigs head. Will pay for the action buy going through more baits, one will have to decide on an acceptable return on investment. For a hollow body though, Ledge head is probablely best value overall 👍
J-will is all I’ve ever tried so I may try some of these.
I’m gonna order a sticker for my yak
Ledgehead by far gave all of them the best action!
Ledgeheat, hands down. Strike King might have my vote for the plastics .