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That Fish Ate It At My Feet!! – Urban Big Swimbait Bass!

Hope you guys enjoyed the video, definitely was a good morning in my books!
Moam Hat:
Moam Hoorag:

Song: Kendall x Mukashi – Bell Peppers & Beef

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  1. I catch very few bass at Kiwanis cool you got one on the popper, the lake is VERY pressured. They stocked bass at the urban lakes this year so the fishing has been a bit better in the AZ urban ponds. Kill the catfish there sometimes though. If you ever wanna fish message me. Im down to drop money on gas, food, and tonto pass fees or just hitting some urban waters. Wouldn't mind learning some swim bait tricks I have some smaller ones but haven't invested in a rod for the big ones.

    Just got a revo rocket and revo winch so I need to pair some rods to them. I don't know why everyone gives you so much shit on AZ anglers man. Tight lines.

  2. hell yea, I caught some that close that were on beds and it's more satisfying imo to catch one looking at it reacting vs winding or dragging something. that was sick. had my first blow up on a frog tonight so I'm pumped that's getting going here in OK. seems like there's always a " high hopes " kinda guy at most of these public places, I just lettem say whatever and catch fish.

  3. Dude that is crazy to see someone I have been watching since like 1k subs fishing at the same spot I do everyday (the second pond) keep up the good work! If you have time check out my Chanel and watch the Jon boat video that was on lake 7 the second pond!

  4. Nice video! The first spot you were at gets absolutely hammered. On Saturday mornings every ramada has a catfisherman with lines splayed out. It was funny to see you making the same exact casts that I have before, I got a glidebait stuck in the fabric roof of those pedal boats lol

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