Got out on a coolish summer day here in Arizona (high of 92) and had an up and down kind of day honestly. With big swimbaits anything can happen so grinding it out can be very rewarding at times!
Get a custom swimbait stick here!:
Moam Apparel:
Lateral Vision:
LV Hat:
Song: Kendall x Mukashi – Bell Peppers & Beef
What is this lake called ? It looks dope
Yo could I go out swimbait fishing wit you someday been not getting anything lately
"Not a big one" Seriously? for where I live(Long Island, New York)that would be a monster county record, seriously!
OMG, look at that incredible place to fish. absolutely beautiful scenery…….
This looks like an incredible place to go fishing! That struggle was real though dude. We all felt that celebration!
Fire! Friggin’ fire video buddy! Awesome fishing and can’t wait to see the next!
Fire! Friggin’ fire video buddy! Awesome fishing and can’t wait to see the next!
Fire! Friggin’ fire video buddy! Awesome fishing and can’t wait to see the next!
Thanks for sharing👍
Great video, it was a grind but not a lose and you caught a really nice Bass, Keep casting posting and Dreaming 👊👊🍻🍺👍
Dude, great video… trade in one of your mondo expensive glides for a decent remote mic w/ dead possum. Or… just don't say anything unless you are right in front of the cameras.
Really nice Bass!
Get Some!!
Keep up the good content. Your fishing vids are really dope
A bro just came down from Washington State looking for some good spots if u can
Awesome catch good job man!
Do you use spiral wraped guides
Where are you fishing?
3 freking pounds beautiful freking fish
Literally right after I posted the video caught up and you said the set up. 😂
What kind of set up you fishing with?
Have a little anxiety attacked every time he throws the swimbait towards the rocks 😬
will love to more videos . will like to see some measurement and weight bro .
Dude I wish my lakes around here had the scenery yours did. I'm guessing that lake is in some sort on canyon? I live in Texas and mainly fish Toledo bend and Sam Rayburn i you've ever heard of those lakes. Last year my friend caught a 11.1 pound bass on a spook. But anyway your vids are awesome
Please that dry shit ain't hot. Come out to the Southeast when it's in the 90s and tell me what's up.
Canyon Lake or Saguaro ???
where are you located?
nice catchs
You looking for fishing partners??
It's hard keeping one out of the water more than 45 seconds, especially in 90 degree weather.
is there still golden algae?
I'm a new subscriber, just wanna say your videos are inspiring.
i have a question about a swimbait rod, can you help me
What do you do when it's hot do u go deep or stay with the glids
Nice video and nice fish
loved it Geoff, great catch, psyching me up to get a Deps 250!
i wish u had a gopro but great video
Dude I have so much respect for you I would not have the patience to throw those big baits all day for 1 bite jeez g
do u fish with your subs and if u do can I join u one day I got gas money lmao ..drinks and food on me lol
How do you determine if you use a feather treble or not on the 250? is it just preference or is there certain conditions where it works better or worse than a traditional treble hook?
Hit me up bro send me your email so we can touch basis and we can connect when you come out
Dude you always trip me out landing your fish!!!
Nice fish bro. I caught a 6lb the other day bout to upload the video. I wud appreciate it if u checked out my channel bro. Great work as always love your channel.
I love that you include the heartbreak in the day too. Really gives a realtstic day in chucking big baits.
Hey man, hit me up if you're ever looking for some 🔥 ponds in Cave Creek
Boat traffic was insane