I randomly decided to fly to Tennessee to fish against Rob and Scott Martin on a lake I’ve never been to. Day 1 in Tennessee was UNREAL! I hope you all enjoy!
Scott’s channel – http://bit.ly/2bf7z4y
Enter to WIN a FREE $250 bass fishing rod with any apparel purchase here – http://bit.ly/FLAIRGEAR (ENDS APRIL 30th)
Swimbait Setup
Rod – http://bit.ly/2nYt27R (7ft 4in hvy)
Reel – http://bit.ly/2oQ26az
Line – http://amzn.to/2p8EQV0 (17lb)
Chatterbait Setup
Rod – http://bit.ly/2mRNy5O
Reel – http://bit.ly/2nYt27R
Line – http://amzn.to/2nVeeUl (17lb)
Flippin Setup
Rod – http://bit.ly/2nYt27R (7ft 4in hvy)
Reel – http://bit.ly/2oQ26az
Line – http://amzn.to/2nVeeUl (17lb)
Weight – http://bit.ly/2aSBIn0
Music: DJ Quads – Truly Yours
► SNAPCHAT: aflair430
► INSTAGRAM: Fishing_with_Flair http://bit.ly/29pPNKN
► TWITTER: @FishinwithFlair http://bit.ly/29ZVbBz
► FACEBOOK: Fishing with Flair http://bit.ly/29GhPQ3
►Get FLAIR Gear Here→ http://bit.ly/FLAIRGEAR
►Send Fan Mail Here→ Andrew Flair P.O. Box 8 Boystown, NE 68010
►Filming Gear ◄
Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/28Wvrsh
GoPro: http://amzn.to/29dN2Zz
GoPro Mic: http://amzn.to/28X5GGE
Chest Mount: http://amzn.to/290TRRk
Vlogging Camera Tripod: http://amzn.to/28XGRJt
Editing Computer: http://amzn.to/2927kan
Sd Card: http://amzn.to/2a3gSCJ
Big Tripod: http://amzn.to/2a9NXNk
Drone: http://amzn.to/2gVitym
*The above links are Amazon affiliate*
► EPIC FISHING VLOGS → http://bit.ly/29vOxle
► TIPS AND TRICKS → http://bit.ly/29G6OBq
► UNBOXINGS → http://bit.ly/29F40TA
► BASS FISHING ON A BUDGET → http://bit.ly/29r2n8S
► ROD AND REEL ARSENALS → http://bit.ly/29w42Po
► ICE FISHING → http://bit.ly/2k8mAF0
► HUNTING → http://bit.ly/2joXW32
► FISHING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND → http://bit.ly/2k8ihuo
► SPRING BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2jTm9lN
► SUMMER BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2iVzkmB
► FALL BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2jJ8B9Y
► WINTER BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2kjI5H0
Just put of fishing stuff
No one cares about you talking to the camera
Baby face flair! Lol damn. Throwback
I feel fortunate watching these videos. Boats are fun, but I can save thousands walking 1/4 mile to a conservation pond and catch more and bigger fish on a bag of wacky rigged Senkos than an expensive bass boat on a lake. But again the boating experience on the lake is hard to beat.
Flair needs to come down from Nebraska to North Mississippi to fish our lakes
Go to center hill lake 👌
what kind of swimbait are you using?
You get too excited.
Where is this dude
What a absolute unit
I like how flair said his first custard ever
*EveryonE WonderinG* this is Chickamauga Lake !!¡¡!!¡¡
Oh it's a a big one… It's not what I'm looking for 🙄
So if you throw your rod like that and the bait doesn’t come unstuck how do you get the rod back??
What is you PB
Was that the Oak Ridge facility?
I do that trick a the time
At 10:45 I tried that trick and it didn’t work and my line snapped and I lost my rod, so yeah 😂
Where is this at I know it’s in Tennessee but just where
My names andrew
4lbr looked like a spot
That water on that lake tho it clear as hell
robs face in that truck hahahah
Honestly kind of mad you called catfish a trash fish.
What's your deal with not liking catfish they get massive nd fight harder then bass. Just afraid to take them off the hook
Did he just call a catfish a trash fish?