In this video I went Searching For GIANT Bass with an expensive Custom Japanese Swimbait. Don’t forget to comment which swimbait you want to see in the next episode of the Swimbait Showdown.
Swimbait Showdown Episode 1-9:
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That thing looks like a 5 dollar Chinese swimbait. That thing is ugly
Obviously I see a Great video LATE … nice fish and Great idea donating to Cance Awareness

Bro you paid $250 for bait that has blanks on amazon for $15
thats a morone glide bait you can find on ebay for 10 bucks lmao
Love the dope vids Yakpak! Sorry to hear about your grandmother I also lost mine to cancer around 7 yrs ago.. Keep up the great vids bro! I love the big swimbait vids

Thank you guys for donations to cancer sorry to hear about your grandma my dad fighting cancer right now
Show this Chanel some love guys they have great content
Sorry to hear about your grandma buddy…nice video..
Contact Marling Baits and see if he can hook you up with something cool
Good cause, it can happen to anyone we know and even ourselves. Good job!
Hey YakPak I know many of you shop online for your fishing gear. Check this site out if you would like, it is an affiliated link.
Also use code Grizzly10 at checkout to save some money!
Pick up some store brand swimbaits and review them as you fish them I know dicks has a 4in bluegill and bass pro has multiple ones as well see which one works best
Very sorry for your loss. God bless
Bull shad
damn dude you got ripped off !! got that same bait for $2 on aliexpress. what a tool.
Sorry for the losses! Great what yall are doing! Very much respect fellas! I'm also a diabetic too so I understand that struggle
Sorry for your loss I am amazed on what yall are doing that is very awesome of you yall will be blessed
Sorry for your loss man
use the river2sea swimbaits
Lost my grandmother to cancer as well. It sucks to watch that happen. Prayers for u my friend.
One of my favorites is the Megabass Magdraft, and for being from megabass it's not as pricey as one might assume
S waver by river 2 sea
That’s a trout glider. It’s a very very cheap Chinese bait, they cost maybe $8-$12 depending where you get them from. I really hope you didn’t pay $250 for that bait, but feel free to look up “trout glider swimbait” to see for yourself.
That’s why I don’t believe him when he says there weight
Great episode man! My prayers are with you and your family. I lost my PawPaw two years ago to brain cancer…y’all are awesome!
Id have to say the s-waver or the new storm glide
Hey man the scale yall are using is bad for not reading right they are usually about a pound off. Try it on a gallon of water should be 8 pounds
Hey guys dicks has the shimano caius combo for 69.99
Great video! I’d like to see you fish the Spro BBZ-1 Rat. Saw a video a while back of a guy catching some slaunches with one of those!
Awesome man love the swimbait vids you should try the new weedless swimbait by lunkerhunt
Sorry for your loss yakpak my grandmother was a Survivor of breast cancer she was young when she got diagnosed with it. But i just ordered the s-waver im Excited to try it out and its a pretty cheap swim bait
Cool vid brother sorry to hear about your grandma bro. #GoDawgsBeatA&M
Bro so glad to see the swim bate challenge back !!! ROLL TIED !!
Sorry for your loss brother. I hope everything is okay with your family. My suggestion would be a mag draft.
That's great glad to see you do the donations.
Do a big wake
next challenge
Prayers for your family. I like what y'all are doing my try to set a whole month with all YouTube bass fisherman to get together and do that.
Fish the biggest soft plastic swim-bait you can find
Next Level!
Do a cheap swim bait video
That’s not a 250.00 swimbait much less Japanese…man you have got to start doing some research on the stuff you are spitting to the Masses. I like you and your channel but lately you’ve been pumping people full of really bad information. .