Tips n Tricks

Big Swimbait Tips For Spring Bass Fishing!

Swimbait fishing is a technique that has exploded onto the bass fishing scene in recent years because they catch BIG BASS. Swimbaits are super versatile and perfect for mimicking the baitfish that big bass are feeding on in the spring. Swimbait fishing is a high risk, high reward game that can pay off with your new PB. Watch Ben Milliken go over his best swimbait fishing tips for the prespawn to help you catch a giant bass this spring!

Westin HypoTeez ST:
LIVETARGET Gizzard Shad Swimbait:
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  1. man… I threw a few different swimbaits today, for a few hours. and I never had so much as a fucking hit. I was getting hella frustrated. I doubt youโ€™ll see this, let alone answer it… buuuut… how long do you throw a bait without catching anything & decide to switch baits?

  2. This is a flat out fish catcher! I have caught so many fish with that bait in the past week itโ€™s unreal! By far the best bait I have got out of a mtb box! Great box! Love my MTB!

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