Watch underwater as big bass ambush swimbaits and glide baits! Its amazing how aggressive these fish get when a big meal swims by. With Spring fast approaching Matt shares a few tricks about how big bass behave that will help you catch the fish of a lifetime during the prespawn. If you haven’t added a swimbait to your arsenal, you’re about to get an underwater view of what you’ve been missing!
New swimbait fishermen are full of misconceptions. The most dangerous to your success is an assumption that big bass will hit a swimbait really hard. While this MIGHT happen, it is far more likely that the bite will be a subtle but clear “tick”. If you’re waiting for a bone-jarring strike you will miss the biggest bites of your life. Pay close attention to this underwater footage and you’ll notice that the biggest fish seem to calculate their strikes while smaller fish lash out aggressively.
Its also important to note that bass are far more likely to completely engulf soft baits while hardballs almost always end up on the outside of the fish’s mouth. With this in mind, its extremely important to control hard bait fish as their aggressive head shakes are very likely to rip the hooks out during the fight. You have time to make a few more changes to your gear as well as to your mindset before Spring arrives. Take the steps to prepare and this will be the year you catch a giant bass!
Below is a breakdown of the baits in the video as well as some of our most consistent swimbaits for big, prespawn fish. We also included links to our favorite swimbait equipment along with some “budget” options.
Favorite Spring Hard Baits…
-S Waver 200 and 168 (Light Trout):
-Baitsanity Explorer Glide (Trout, Shad):
-Storm Arashi Glide (Bluegill, Oikawa Mesu):
-Jackall Gantarel (HL Bluegill, RT Spawn Gill):
Favorite Spring Soft Baits…
-Savage Gear Pulse Tail Trout (Trout, Hitch):
-Huddleston 8″ (Trout, Hitch):
-Little Creeper 8″ Trash Fish (Shad, Hitch):
-Osprey Tournament Talon 6″ (Chart Shad, Bluegill):
Hook/Split Ring Upgrades…
-Owner Hyperwire Split Rings (Size 5 and 6):
-Owner ST-36 Trebles (1X strength, sizes 1/0 and 2/0):
-Owner ST-56 Trebles (3X Strength, Size 2 and 1/0):
Favorite Rod/Reel Combo…
Rod- G Loomis IMX Pro 966:
Reel- Shimano Tranx 300 HG:
Line- 80 lb Power Pro Maxcuatro:
Leader- 35 lb Sunline FC-100:
Budget Rod/Reel Combo…
Rod- Dobyns Fury 806H:
Reel- Shimano Cardiff 300:
Line- 80 lb Power Pro Braid:
Leader- Maxima Ultragreen 30 lb:
NEW Tactical Bassin Apparel…
TacticalBassin Reaper Hoodie:
TacticalBassin Shadow Hoodie:
TacticalBassin Sun Shirt:
TacticalBassin Hooded Sun Shirt:
What we wear…
Sun Mask:
Sun Shirt w/ Hood:
Light Fishing Pants:
Reaper Hoodie (Hoodie with Warm Face Cover built in):
Horizon Sweater (Water resistant, great for layering):
Equipment We Recommend…
Minn Kota Ultrex Trolling Motor:
Humminbird Solix 15 Electronics:
Minn Kota Talons:
Hot Foot Throttle Control:
Loc-R-Bar Boat Security:
Favorite Storage Box:
Favorite Pliers:
Favorite Split Ring Pliers:
Favorite Wire Cutters:
Favorite life jacket:
Favorite sunglasses:
Hero8 Camera:
ElectroSamson Scale:
Frabill Net:
Lure Retriever:
If you plan to do any shopping, using our links before doing your shopping at Tackle Warehouse is the single greatest way to support us! You won’t be able to even see a difference but they’ll know you’re one of us!
I like it your information friend
What do you guys think of Triple Grip hooks and a moderate action glidebait rod, and allowing them to fight a little? Do you think that will still lose giant fish?
Swing anything that doesn't feel normal 😂 gets snagged in a log 😂😂😂😢😢😢
Love how detailed you got with the baits 🙏🏾💯 very helpful thanks!! I want to catch a hog .. sadly don’t have a boat but I got hope I’ll catch a beast of shore one day 🤙🏾. I’ll keep grinding
Some of the best fishing on YouTube
I never hear you say where you are having success with large baits. I live in Georgia and fish Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. Is big baits affective here in the south? Would I be wasting money?
Going to be swinging for the fences like a crazy person on anything and everything next time I go out and hopefully I’ll crack my PB👍🏻 Thanks for all the awesome videos guys.
I’ve been fishing big swimbaits for about 6 months to a year and I still just haven’t been able to catch anything in them. I just don’t understand I’ve been watching all the videos it just hasn’t worked out there on the water
Always showing amazing passion for the sport; thank you.
Love the video great content! Do you know where I can get some quality big swim baits like that?
Have you ever tried using single hooks on both types of lures?. I live on the Tx coast and we use single hooks on some lures to catch Big Trout & Redfish with good success, and was wondering if the same could apply to Bass. SPI Tx✌
What is the rod weight?
Man I watch this last year and again now just before prespawn!!
FML. Ive been throwing big swimbaits for atleast a year now and ive had SO MANY. Of those little twitches your talking aBout and i literally. Just thought it was a rock or sonething
Nice 👍
School is in session!
Bla bla bla and. No fishing. Sucks.
You are a great narrator when it comes to telling stories about fish. I would love to chill and listen forever forever forever until I fall asleep in fish land. Keep these videos going bro. They are great info
What size line do you prefer for the s waver 168 and the Huddleston 68 special?
Matt you guys rock I’m up in northern pa and never thought about even trying giant swimbaits haha well tacklewarehouse and you guys changed that order a bunch of large swimbaits too try I live between 6 lakes within 5 miles I can’t wait too get them in the mail and head out keep the videos up you guys are #1 on my YouTube fishing list and actually make me wanna start a channel for myself here soon thanks for sure
Guys….How long of a fluoro leader are you running from the braid??
Thank you for this video! Ive been trying to figure out what a bite other than a crank getting crushed feels like for a long time.
Those are great bath toys!
hay cháu rất thích và cực kết
These videos teach me sooo much thank you guys sooo much keep up the great work!!!!! I appreciate your hard work.
You guys need to drop that Bloomberg ad
Whoa, that inhale with the hand motion was epic lol. Awesome video, keep it up. Learned more from your guys videos than internet and people i fish with.