Spring SWIMBAIT Fishing around GRASS and PRESSURED Bass (Power Finesse Technique) – This technique works really well in the spring or summer around pressured bass. This is a power finesse technique that allows you to fish multiple water columns and also catch bass in 3 different stages (pre spawn, spawn and post spawn). A texas rigged Swimbait works really good around grass because it’s weedless, but can also be fished around rock and wood. Thanks for riding along
Lew’s HyperMag – https://amzn.to/3ozmCJH
Falcon Cara Heavy Cover Jig Rod – https://www.falconrods.com/product/cara?via=jc
Yum Pulse – https://www.lurenet.com/yum-pulse
Sunline Shooter 18 lb.– https://amzn.to/3sdhEnK
#swimbait #bassfishing #jasonchristie
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Falcon Rods – https://www.falconrods.com?via=jc
Lurenet Baits – https://bit.ly/Lurenet
Lew’s Reels – https://bit.ly/LewsFishing
SunLine – https://bit.ly/SunlineFishing
Trokar Terminal Tackle – https://bit.ly/TrokarTackle
Garmin – https://bit.ly/GarminJC
T-H Marine – https://alnk.to/3cgJe00
Integrated Boat Works – https://bit.ly/IntegratedBoatWorks
AFTCO – https://bit.ly/AFTCOclothing
Costa Tuna Alley – https://bit.ly/CostaTunaAlley
** BOAT **
Skeeter FXR20 – https://bit.ly/SkeeterFXR20
Yamaha Motor – https://bit.ly/YamahaOutboard
PowerPole – https://bit.ly/Powerpole
Easy Step – https://bit.ly/EasyStepSystem
Videography & Edit by Creating Outdoors
I’ve always wondered if anyone ever fished a swim bait like that. Guess I got my answer now.
Hey Jason I have a question
for you what's the biggest bass you ever caught ( largemouth) and smallmouth.
I about cried on Sunday i honestly fell to my knees. That fish was over 7 for sure. I was pulling for you Jason that was a tournament winner but to see you smiling at that weigh in made me feel a bit better about my fantasy team. I had you locked! But hey theres always Sabine!!…or St.Clair!!

Another great video JC! Thanks for all the goods
Jason thanks for sharing
Potomac is very grassy as well..
Man ur bad ass

Caught my pb on Claremore lake today throwing the chatter bait but the past few days been swimming in a Texas rig and it’s been doing me good.
3 things I always have ready a swimbait, swim jig, and a bladed jig. Then I always have a spinnerbait in the tackle bag trailer on and ready to be tied on all because of what I’ve learned watching you. Thanks for making us better fishermen Mr. Christie!
Thanks man.
Swim jigs are my personal confidence baits always tied on and throwing or ready to go. Ponds to lakes hard to beat a swim jig top to bottom as versatile as any bait there is
Thanks for the info bust em at Lay lake!

Thanks Jason
Love it