How To

Soft Swimbait Buyer's Guide: Rigging, Colors, and Styles

Giant swimbaits work from coast to coast. If you haven’t tried them yet, the time has come. They can be pricey and they’re not all created equal. How do you know which baits to invest your time and money into? Today we’re teaching everything you need to know about soft swimbaits.

We’re covering wedge tails, boot tails, paddle tails, as well as rigging and color selection. If you’ve ever wanted to try big swimbaits this is for you. Don’t waste a fortune trying dozens of baits, wondering if you’re doing it right. Stick with these proven options and you’ll start catching in no time.

The actual act of swimbait fishing is very simple. It is almost always a cast and slow, steady retrieve. Season to season the speed may change (some times you’re reeling like a spinnerbait, other times its as slow as you can stand to turn the handle) but the cadence never does. There is no need to add action, stop and go, pop the rod, etc… just a slow and steady retrieve.

Below is a complete list of the soft baits and equipment we have confidence in including color recommendations for each.

The Baits…

-Huddleston 8″ Swimbait:
(We Recommend ROF 12 in Hitch or Holdover Trout)

-Huddleston 68 Swimbait:
(We recommend both ROF 5 and 12 in Black Gizzard Shad and Rainbow Trout)

-6″ and 7″ Osprey Tournament Talon:
(Chartreuse Shad, Reverse Hitch, T.S. Bluegill)

-Scottsboro Tackle Swimbait:
(6″ and 7″ in Mullins Madness, Natural Light, and Ol Smokey. Recommended Rigging: 8/0 Owner Beast Hook listed below)

-Keitech 6.8 and 7.8 Swimbait:
(Recommend Tennessee Shad, Electric Shad, Ghost Rainbow. Recommended Rigging: Matt Allen Swimbait 3/4 oz or 10/0 Owner Beast Hook, both listed below)

-6″ Trash Fish:
(LC Blue, Tucked Out Chartreuse Shad, Tucked Out Ghost LC Hitch. Recommended Rigging: 6/0 Beast Hook listed below.)

-8″ Trash Fish:
(Ghosted Chartreuse Shad, LC Hitch, Just Shad. Recommended Rigging 6/0 Blade Runner Head or 8/0 Owner Beast hook, both listed below.)

Megabass Dark Sleeper:
(1/2 or 3/4 oz in Donko, Haze, Wakasagi)

Recommended Rod and Reel combos…

Big Swimbait Combo…
Rod- Dobyns Champion 807 Mag Heavy:
Reel- Shimano Calcutta 400B:
Line- 80 lb Power Pro MaxCuatro:
Leader- 30 lb Maxima Ultragreen:

Beast Hook Rigged baits…
Rod- G Loomis IMX Pro 966:
Reel- Shimano Tranx 300 AHG:
Line- 80 lb Power Pro MaxCuatro:
Leader- 30 lb Maxima Ultragreen:

Budget Swimbait Combo…
Rod- Dobyns 795 Fury:
Reel- Cardiff 300:
Line- 65 lb Power Pro:
Leader- 25 lb Maxima Ultragreen:

Need Apparel? Tacticalbassin Gear is in stock! Get your hats, Hoodies, and sunshirts by emailing

Sun Mask:
Sun Shirt w/ Hood:
Light Fishing Pants:
Reaper Hoodie (Hoodie with Warm Face Cover built in):
Horizon Sweater (Water resistant, great for layering):

Equipment We Recommend…

Minn Kota Ultrex Trolling Motor:
Minn Kota Battery Charger:
Humminbird Solix 15 Electronics:
Minn Kota Talons:
Wireless Talon Foot Switch:

Favorite Pliers:
Favorite Split Ring Pliers:
Favorite Wire Cutters:
Favorite life jacket:
Favorite sunglasses:
Hero6 Camera:
ElectroSamson Scale:
Promar Net:

We hope you enjoyed this bass fishing video! If you did please subscribe to the channel so you can see our new videos (3 a week). From “How To” fishing videos to big bass catches, we’re here to teach you how to bass fish. We’re one of the oldest fishing youtube channels and we focus on education so you can become a better angler. Thank you for the support!

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  1. Gents I'm sure I missed a video about it but I fish underwater lights for big bass on Lake Conroe. I need a big swimbait to be my first cast or two to see if there is a giant lurking. They bite the small Big Bites Suicide shad. 50 degree water or so. Is there a soft plastic swimbait that is 6 or 8" and is….maybe in the $20 range? If it is more just shoot me a suggestion. Love the vids guys.

  2. For the budget swimbait rod, you guys recommend the 795 fury, why not the 806 fury instead? If you wanna throw big swimbaits wouldn't you want a longer rod that only is capable of holding heavier baits?

  3. I know this video is older, so I doubt i’ll get an answer. but do you guys run the standard single hook or do you cut it off and rig it the butch brown method? i’m just now getting into big swimbaits and I feel like i’d have better hook ups with the butch brown method and adding stinger hooks. but I just… i’m not confident in cutting my bait up to rig it that way.

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