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MS Slammer Swimbait Catches GIANT Bass!

MS Slammer Swimbaits have been known by many to produce quality size bass. I have had this lure sitting in my tackle box for over 1 year now, and since I was religiously throwing the BBZ50 Rat, I had no confidence or want to throw the Slammer.

Well, that all changes in one days time. The fish just seemed to keep getting bigger!

My 9″ Slammer had the hooks changed out to Owner ST-36 hooks

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  1. Waiting for the 9" slammer I ordered to try here in Montana of all places. The s waver 168 gets chewed here so I'm stepping it up some. 5# is a tank here and my PBs are both 5# even. Time to find a 6 plus.
    Also got a spro rat , no eats yet but hardly used it so far.

  2. Sup Kris. Be cool if could get Becca and Todd in kayak tournament with you? Unless didn't see it yet? Lol.. Think will catch a bunch? 1down, 2nd is monster. Beautiful. Damn another! Getting confidence back? Lmao. Forget it's edits not real time. Day 2 good start lol. Unbelievable! Ty tc

  3. NH smallmouth hate the 7in slammer. Don’t even try it. Total waste of time. Especially In light trout color. Just stay in bed. In fact, if you have said slammer just send it to me. I’ll take care of it.

  4. Mr Tight Lines I ended up painting my slammer (for confidence), gave the clear coat 2 days to dry and took it fishing. 1st fish I caught?
    If that link doesn’t work, click on my channel and latest video (only have 3 or 4). I didn’t put what I caught it on in the video description because it’s a very pressured local lake and if you find something that works, you keep it secret lol. That’s my nephew videoing and making a racket lol. Thanks for the video and causing me to blow the dust off my slammer and use it.

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