How To

How to catch striper using swimbaits (Boone Lake)

In this episode I show you how to catch striper using swimbaits. I hope you find this helpful as you fish for stripers.

#strippedbass #Striperfishing #artificialbait

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β–Ά Check Out Some Of My Favorite Videos!

Love of trout fishing (Brook Trout) –
Find the bait (Challenge) –
Trout Bites Every Cast (Fish In a Barrel) –
You Won’t Believe what I find underwater (Croppie Heaven)
Catching Big Striper –
HUGE Fish on small tackle –
Live Bait for Lake Trout –
You won’t believe what I find while fishing –


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  1. Loved this video! What pound test were you using? Keep up the artificial lure series. My family is currently looking to buy a house in the tri-cities area so I've become a big fan!

  2. Great video! Lures are my favorite way to catch stripers. My lures of choice are sand eel, buck tail and flukes.but this one day I was using a live mackerel for bait hoping for a 40 plus inch striper when I hooked a great white shark while fishing from my kayak. Part of my video was recently used on the Discovery Channel episode called The Great White North. Toss me a subscription if you like, I only need a couple more to get 1000 πŸ™‚ Cheers

  3. Hi Michael, when you say swimbaits, I think of 12 inch castaic or AC plugs and huddleston swim trout or huge shad glidebaits, thats what I use when I go every night. Since I'm boatless and shorebound, i use real heavy gear, saltiga and penn slammer reels, lamiglas Glass rods heavy braid etc. . Got a good one last night at 3 am in bluff city. Maybe 35 lbs. Unfortunately no one around to take pic. I really need a go pro on my hat..PS thanks for mentioning Brummits, I went there 2 weeks ago and found a beautiful skeet reese rod that I bought for a great deal from Chris. I mentioned you and he said I missed you by 5 mins. Lol. Good luck out there and keep making great videos

  4. HAHAHA To funny, Here In New England (N.H.& Ma.) they have to be 28 Inches to 36 to keep… Crazy we (New Englanders U.S.) call that fish you just caught a "Schoolie {school E's} = a baby" I wish we could keep them the size you just caught (the fish you catching vid 6 Min 42 sec. hell ya πŸ™‚ I have to let them go and we (New Englanders U.S.) catch tons of the little ones, just to release them. we try to get what we call a "KEEPER" it has to be 28 inches to 36 inches. any over or under we have to release back into the water… great Video. thank you for your time THUMBS UP!!!!

  5. I’ve heard that’s a great place for stripers but I never could catch any there when I was there in 2017, not even with shad or at night or in the cold water further up lake. I’ve caught lots of largemouth, smallmouth, and cats there though.

  6. I would love to catch up with you and fish one day with my son. We live here in Blountville near beaver creek. Maybe you could help teach us how to get those big striper we have had no luck with catching them. We have done good on some big small mouth in beaver creek here the past couple days though.

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