In this episode of airbrush painting fishing lures, i paint a custom trout swimbait. This was my version of the river2sea s waver lite trout pattern.
This was my first time painting a swimbait, or any trout pattern, so let me know what you think down below!
The river2sea s waver is a glide style swimabit that just requires a simple retrieve to glide back and forth.
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#onemorecast #paintingfishinglures #customswimabits
Tags: Lure painting, painting fishing lures, custom paint crankbait, custom crankbait, airbrushing fishing lures, custom swimabits, trout swimbait, river2sea s waver, river2sea s waver lite trout
Do you use reference photos of the fish you're trying to imitate in your lure? Your Etsy is coming up with Zero!!!
Looks awesome brother. Thanks for the info. God bless!
Where did you find the blanks?
I like the way it came out! Looks really good. I just bought everything to get started and am building a paint booth next week so i can get used to the gun. Plan on making that exact bait eventually. Great video i will give it a shot.
no yellow on belly, other than that its pretty awesome, nice job.
Nice job. Looks to me like you’ve been doing it a while.
Can you paint one for me?
You should make a largemouth colored one. It would work really well
Kbs or uv setting clear coat are good
Nice bait but nix the annoying music.
Have you tried using a small paint brush and flicking the black paint to make the spots? Maybe a darker brown would look better. I bet there is a better way to make those spots look better. Also have you tried to cover up the back of the lure with darker paints? Great video though! very inspiring.
Another tufff vidddddd
Nice pattern! Im also a Lure painter, although i never painted a trout pattern (from Illinois) ive seen other put a little splash of a green on top. wicked colors makes a dark forest green that i sometimes mix with sepia to make it darker, use it alot on my Gill patterns just a suggestion
This bait g
Looks awesome very detailistic I subbed!
Great vid and channel man, just subbed, sub back?
That would be killer on the lake painted just like a big gizzard shad
What kind of airbrush are you using ?
Awesome Bait!
Nice looking bait bud well done I’ve been painting all weekend keep up the great work
Honestly, I like your pattern better than the original. I like that the colors are a little bolder
Great job man
If this video gets 50 likes, i'll do another custom lure giveaway!