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The Ultimate Soft Swimbait Hack

The ultimate soft swimbait hack from the smallest piece of terminal tackle that provides more versatility to swimbaits along with hundreds of dollars in savings.

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  1. Mike thanks again I know these videos are a bit older but man I'm gaining so much knowledge watching all your thoughts and theories and all your video clips which are absolutely amazing brother I'm actually trying to get over the fact that I just lost my 8 inch bull Shad last night course I'll be getting another one but now I need to make sure I have a bait knocker at all times

  2. Thank you for your tips and tricks man. Ever since I discovered your channel I've been throwing LOTS more swim-baits. Thanks for the motivation, you've converted this Oklahoma boy to the DARK SIDE lol
    P.s. I would LOVE to get my hands on a battle shad.

  3. I've had a few swimbaits that want to roll after fighting a big fish and unfortunately some that seem to roll or tilt right out of the package. Adding weight to the opposite side of the Roll has helped at times so I don't have to go in and resecure a harness out on the water.

    Great tip on the weight placement brother. It's really important to get it right the first time. Once that hole is in there it's a pain to make an accurate adjustment. I've put weight in that looks absolutely perfect and still had to make a sliver of adjustment.

  4. Do you bass guys ever use any rattles in your softbaits? alot of guys here in the north use those small capsules that you can buy dirt cheap for fly tying and embed them in the tail part of their soft baits. Not really sure if it really helps, but if nothing else it gives an extra confidence boost.

  5. I heard Mike Long mention once that in certain conditions he puts a metal thumb tack in the nose of a soft plastic swimbait and bangs it against the rocks. Also, I've been experimenting with adding lead tape wrapped around Beast hooks to add extra weight to baits as required.

  6. Another great video. I see that Castaic box in the background. Do you ever throw or have you ever thrown the Castaic catch 22 swimbaits. They are my go to bait and this nail weight will help me get them to run deeper. Thanks. πŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. So i have been trying to figure out why your naMe is so familure and why your vids are so apealing then BAM same skateboarding background i came from you have worked with the greatest skateboarders of all time……..nice transfer my friend. When i couldnt skate anymore i focused all my time towards bass fishing amd it filled the void for me and i must say i haveseen all your vids very nice work sir! Keep up the good fishing also

  8. Good info Mike. You like to tinker and modify your baits. I'm currently modifying a 5" bull shad to get it deeper quicker! Then I'm going to throw a different paint scheme on it. πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

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