Going to be more talks like these in the near future about topics that are rarely discussed. If you guys have any other ideas let me know in the comments down below!
36 49 Less than a minute
Going to be more talks like these in the near future about topics that are rarely discussed. If you guys have any other ideas let me know in the comments down below!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Th aks for the info bud
It looked like your pup had a different opinion lol
Each body of water is different
Do you ever share links to the various swim baits you discuss? I've only watched a few of your videos to this point, but I like the information you share. Thanks!
I've caught one of my biggest bass in saguaro. Second biggest in canyon both with swim baits. Great information. Thank you for sharing. I'm subscribing.
Just got my 7.5 citizen working class. Just gotta get some hooks this weekend and I'm hitting the pond my froend caught a 13 pound greenie
Is spider wire invisabraid 50 65 pound test doable
I’m just getting into swim baits I’m ordering my first rod and reel I ordered a bucca bull shad 4 inch (just starting off) also ordered hud Weedless shad think it’s almost 5 inch long and trash fish sunfish blue gill colored 4.5 inch now it’s winter here in nj and I’ve never seen anyone use these lures around here it’s mostly skinny water I’m fishing with a lot of stain for this size baits should I use med heavy or a heavy 8 ft rod?
Let's do more of these swimbait talks bro!!
Have you ever been to whiskey town?
Awesome video! Happy to be a new subscriber! I've never been confident with swimbaits but I've really been wanting to get into using them more, so I appreciate the tips. Keep em coming!
Great vid! Very informative and way to teach people to learn the water they fish.
i agree with the deepwater glide bait tactic. let it sink to the bottom, work it slow, twitch twitch reaction
Where can I purchase these Shad Glide Bairs!
with some swimbaits. My name is donavyn my Instagram is Finding_The_Big_One luck at some of my swimbaits catches. You can message me on there if your down I live in Litchfield park.
Just subbed can’t wait to learn more about the swimbait game
I need to get into big swim baits some day here in south africa…
Nice video bud
Try chevelon canyon in late November 👍🏽or horseshoe ceinaga, Hawley lake or reservation lake in November I’ve hooked huge ones and seen them chasing small stocker rainbows many times at these lakes ! Also huge largemouth bass at willow springs lake on the rim 👍🏽
Will you do a swimbait collection video soon?
Updated swimbait collection?
Your the reason I started fishing man. Keep it up
Decorate that wall bud! Thanks for the tips
Loved it. Get the dudes who make the baits.
Hey bro! Love your swimbait stuff. Been looking heavily into fishing w/ swimbaits, boat building etc.
I run a small custom woodshop in Mesa. Look me up on the instagram @chasewarrendesign and hit me up if you need anything as far as woodworking / boat building etc. Would love to pick your brain in person. Cheers! -chase
Love it, keep posting
I like that your success in catching those monster bass give legitimacy to your discussion. I also find it fascinating when you referred to 4-to-7 pound bass as the "smaller" fish! Those lakes you mentioned must be real jewels, WOW!
I've watched like all of your videos an have been following your channel for a while an just now realized I wasn't subscribed.. fixed it
Nice vid
great video and awesome local info ,this will definitely help a lot in my adventures with swimbaits in az hope to see you out on the water somewhere
So when you go out and fish swimbaits do you grind with one bait all day? Or do you re tie often? I’ve found myself never switching baits. And I didn’t know if this is a problem that you have.
Will you please do a how to fish swimbaits in ponds cause I know you used to do that a lot and I know a lot of your viewers do that? Also you are the best channel on YouTube
Damn bro 12k! I remember finding u and subbing cause u from AZ like me an u had barely any subs at the time, keep pushin my dude! AZ STAND UP!!!
What’s the name of that big swim bait
You ever fish for big brown trout with swimbaits?
Let’s get a video about water clarity please
Love watching your videos …. Keep it up