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Swimbait Talk – When To Throw A Hard Bait Or A Soft Bait

Going to be more talks like these in the near future about topics that are rarely discussed. If you guys have any other ideas let me know in the comments down below!

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  1. I’m just getting into swim baits I’m ordering my first rod and reel I ordered a bucca bull shad 4 inch (just starting off) also ordered hud Weedless shad think it’s almost 5 inch long and trash fish sunfish blue gill colored 4.5 inch now it’s winter here in nj and I’ve never seen anyone use these lures around here it’s mostly skinny water I’m fishing with a lot of stain for this size baits should I use med heavy or a heavy 8 ft rod?

  2. Awesome video! Happy to be a new subscriber! I've never been confident with swimbaits but I've really been wanting to get into using them more, so I appreciate the tips. Keep em coming!

  3. with some swimbaits. My name is donavyn my Instagram is Finding_The_Big_One luck at some of my swimbaits catches. You can message me on there if your down I live in Litchfield park.

  4. Try chevelon canyon in late November 👍🏽or horseshoe ceinaga, Hawley lake or reservation lake in November I’ve hooked huge ones and seen them chasing small stocker rainbows many times at these lakes ! Also huge largemouth bass at willow springs lake on the rim 👍🏽

  5. Hey bro! Love your swimbait stuff. Been looking heavily into fishing w/ swimbaits, boat building etc.
    I run a small custom woodshop in Mesa. Look me up on the instagram @chasewarrendesign and hit me up if you need anything as far as woodworking / boat building etc. Would love to pick your brain in person. Cheers! -chase

  6. I like that your success in catching those monster bass give legitimacy to your discussion. I also find it fascinating when you referred to 4-to-7 pound bass as the "smaller" fish! Those lakes you mentioned must be real jewels, WOW!

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