In this video yourlakeforkguide Billy Lawson Shows you how to rig up your swimbait on the Divine swimbait jig head, and the best set up to use with it. Billy also shows how to fish the bait over grass to catch bass.
14 26 Less than a minute
In this video yourlakeforkguide Billy Lawson Shows you how to rig up your swimbait on the Divine swimbait jig head, and the best set up to use with it. Billy also shows how to fish the bait over grass to catch bass.
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great vid!
Thanks for the video man! I was lost when I saw these jigheads on the website. I thought how in the hell do I twist a swimbait with a hook through it! 🤣
I love these things.
The swim jigs I got like 4 colors
And I pair them with the divine swim baits.
BIGLMNZtv approves 🍋🤙🏼
Great video, I fish Lake Guntersville and it’s full of grass!
Thanks Boss!!!!
i’ve got a bunch of 6th sense gear and I don’t have a single complaint about any of it. the ONLY issue I ever have with the screwlock swimbait heads… is I can never get the hook to come perfectly out the center of the bait. and it irritates the fuck out of me.
I also wanna pick up some of their rods, but i’m waiting for the Miliken series to drop. those things are gonna be so awesome.
Sometimes you can just put a little super glue on to keep your plastic in its place.
so glad 6 sense has their own channel. have several baits from them and a Lux rod. waiting on more baits and these swim bait hooks to come in the mailbox hopefully tomorrow.
I see I'm going to have to start investing in some products. Keep this channel running and keep up the great work
Thank you! I feel like I butchered the first couple when I put the swim baits on! I would love to see a video about shore fishing with the shallow baits like the Movement or crush 50x!
Love these videos and the products especially the divine shakey Head, divine hybrid jig, and this divine swim bait head but in general the divine series, keep the awesome videos coming
Nice vid! Really enjoyed watching. would you mind checking out my channel and consider subscribing? I have already subscribed to your channel so we can do sub for sub if you would like!
Love that yall made a channel! Keep the content coming!