Legendary trophy hunter, Butch Brown, sits down with us and tells his story of how everything came to be. Butch breaks down what Swimbait 24/7 means to him and his whole mentality on chasing trophy class fish with big swimbaits.
Check out Butch on his socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swimbait247/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/butch.brown.9083?ref=ts&fref=ts
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Forum: https://swimbaitunderground.com/forums/index.php
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The last of a modern legend you’ll hear about this kind of story. Nowadays, it’s too pressured and with front facing sonar. I ain’t dissing about the present or future. Just saying this is the end of an old era. Haha.
Such a kool story!
w vid
My dad's caught 200 bass over 10lbs throwing 10 inch worms. He was lucky enough to figure out bed fishing before a lot of people here in MS on lake Bill Waller and Paul B Johnson. He doesn't enjoy trophy fishing as much anymore he really just fishes for small fish to eat now but i'm trying to get him to start throwing some big baits.
Absolute legend
The man the myth the legend!
– Butch Brown
Sup O.G. 🎣🫡
Awesome content. Hearing Butch talk fishing never gets old.
A true big bass fisherman !!!!! Respect
Great story! 🧃
A Float Tube story to be told catching Monsters
🔥🔥Absolutely love the the history,from the original OG ❤️🏆🏆
Butch is the GOAT and a LEGEND!!! 💯💪🏼