Tips n Tricks

Lake Erie Smallmouth Fishing with a Keitech Swing Impact Fat Swimbait! Best Smallmouth bass Bait!

We went lake erie Smallmouth fishing with a Keitech Swing impact Fat Swimbait and Blasted them! Tons of big smallmouth bass and even Walleye! Went with Nick again from our walleye video and we crushed them, We both broke our PBs! The keitech swing impact fat is probably the best smallmouth bass bait as it can imitate any baitfish and will always catch smallmouth! The Keitech Swing Impact fat Swimbait has been killing it Lake erie Smallmouth fishing this spring! Lake erie smallmouth fishing in the spring is so much fun as these fish get really grouped up and easy to catch. One of my favorite ways is with the Keitech Swing Impact fat swimbait because they are chasing bait looking to feed up for the spawn and I can cover a ton of water with it! Thanks for watching!

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*Below are Affiliate links by using this links to purchase products I will get a small commission and you will be directly supporting my channel*

Dobyns 703 spinning swimbait Rod:

Shimano Sedona 2500 Spinning reel:

15 pound power pro main line:

8 pound seagaur invisx leader:

1/4 ounce jighead:

3.3 Keitech Swing impact fat swimbait:

Follow me on Instagram – @nathanquincefishing
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#nathanquincefishing #leaveitonthescales

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  1. 5-2 on the US side. Very few fish weighed over 5 on the Toyota Series last summer out of Sandusky. Seems the bigger fish are caught on the Canadian side where they get less pressure.

  2. I fished the Allegheny River near Pittsburgh solo on my boat for four hours today. Could not seem to locate any smallies. Only caught one. Threw crank baits and a few paddle tails. Feeling very demoralized and frustrated. Any advice is appreciated.

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